My Nickname (MinYeon)

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9:30 Minnie

I started to toss and turn once I felt the sun hit my face threw the cracked blinds

"Miyeon~" I groaned pulling the covers over my face

She didn't say anything for a few seconds so I started kicking her feet. Not to harsh but enough to wake her up

Miyeon slightly opened her eyes, but completely ignored what I was doing

"Yaa~ Miyeon pleaseee" I started to whine from annoyance

"Yah~ what is it" she said in a grumpy tone scratching her check

I closed my eyes tightly "please the light.. it's so bright"

Miyeon cursed under her breath and leaned over closing the blinds

"Go back to bed now" Miyeon turned around facing the wall pulling the cover on her

I looked up at the ceiling and frowned "but I want to cuddle" I whispered under my breath

Turning on my side I wrapped my arm around Miyeon waist trying to pull her closer

"Minnie, what is it now" Miyeon said in a sleepy tone

"I want to cuddle" I whispered loud enough for her to hear

She turned around closing her eyes still "fine, but go to sleep"

I nodded and wrapped my arms around her tightly

"Min you're holding onto me really tight" she said trying to scramble out my grip

Ignoring what she said I placed my head on her shoulder taking in her sweet scent

"Minnie, it's hot get off of me" she said rather annoyed

"Tsk. Fine, is the better"

She nodded and yawned "I'm up, there is no way I'm going back to sleep"

I rolled my eyes "your fault"

She looked at me and flicked my head hard

"I'm leaving" she got up stepping on me in the process. Lightly of course, and headed to the restroom

"Someone is in a mood" we'll then again I kinda got her on the wrong side of the bed


[Fast Forward]

It was finally lunch time, when Soyeon asked if we wanted to go eat with blackpink

They had invited us last minute, so good thing we had nothing planned

As we all got dressed we headed into the van for a good fifteen minutes, we were heading to there dorm actually, since they didn't feel like going out

Good thing they are just like us.

Walking to their dorm we had literally noticed how nice and expensive it looked "this is crazy " I thought to myself wondering my eyes around the building

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