Exhausted (YuYeon)

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2:00 Soyeon

A few days passed and we were now in our normal schedule of well waking up early and going to meetings and what not

"Hey Girls" I yelled, manger-Nim text me saying we have a meeting in thirty damn minutes, then a radio show to attend right after

This week has been the longest in my opinion, but I'm not going to complain I liked being busy

Of course I'm the first to be ready, I hate being late and I hate being last.

I was tapping my foot because I knew they heard me yell, and the fact Yuqi has yet to come out is pissing me off

"God what are they doing" I breathed out messaging my neck

"YA HURRY AND CHANGE WE HAVE LESS THEN TWENTY MINUTES" my damn head was pounding from this headache and Yelling wasn't making it better

Yuqi finally came out stumbling trying to put her shoe on and walk at the same time

"I'm here" Yuqi spoke exhausted

Yuqi has been working her ass off for this dance rehearsal, she had been coming home late, eating late and waking up early

I felt so bad because I couldn't do anything but help her sleep

"Hey babe, take it easy today okay, do you have rehearsals" please say no, please say no I kept repeating

"Yes, I do"she heaved a big sigh

Just my luck, maybe I should text our Manager

"Don't even think about it Soyeon, I need to rehearse" Yuqi said rather harshly

"I get you're frustrated, but don't put it on me" I can't be mad at her I know she is stressed, but I won't be a punching bag

"Babe I'm sorry" She said sincerely

I nodded and gave her a hug, this was nice

"So why am I out here"

Oh shit, I let go of the hug and ran to Miyeons room "HURRY UP GET DRESSED" I looked at my phone for the time "WE HAVE FIFTEEN MINUTES"

Miyeon rushed out holding Minnie hand in panic

"Fuck.okay, what were here" Miyeon said with a high pitch voice trying to figure out what's going on

"Bae~ relax" Minnie said trying to calm Miyeon down who was panicking for some odd reason

"I need to get Soojin and Shuhua, go to the van I'll meet you all there" I said rushing over to SooShus room

The girls left the room closing the door. God please don't let me open the door and see anything horrific

I closed my eyes just incase and swung the door open "IDOITS. LETS FUCKING GO" I yelled searching for the door knob to close it

"Unnie why are your eyes closed" Shuhua said weirdly

I peaked one eye open and noticed the girls dressed and ready to leave I gave out a huge sigh of relive

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