Christmas Invitations

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As late November rolled around, and students began paying less and less attention o their classes, and focusing more on Snowballs and snowmen, and the morning post was eagerly awaited.

Hermione and Pansy sat in the Great Hall  eating their breakfast amiably. They had decided that they would sit at the others house table on varying days, so Pansy would sit with Hermione at Gryffindor one day, and then the next she would sit at Slytherin and Hermione would join her. Today Pansy was sitting with Hermione at the Gryffindor table, and she was viciously stabbing a piece of bacon, trying to remove every last skerrick of fat  from it when I loud screeching heralded the arrival of the Morning Post. Pansy barely looked up, used to radio silence for months on end from her parents.  Hermione however, looked up  for her owl, Katniss, swoop down with the Daily Prophet, and saw that she had another envelope in her claw. she ripped open the familiar red seal and began to read.

Dear Hermione,

Ronald tells me you have some news for us regarding your current partner which I would love to hear about, but the main reason for my sending you this letter is because I would like to invite you to our home for the Christmas holidays. We would love to have you there, as you are like a daughter to me. I hope you do not mind that I used your owl, Ron borrowed her to send a parcel too large for Pigwidgeon and i thought I'd send her with this on her return.

At this Hermione grumbled slightly; so that was why she'd been having to pay two knuts instead of one for delivery of the prophet. Ron hadn't asked for Katniss. She continued reading anyway.

I hope to see you soon,

Love, Molly.


 I grinned. I turned to Pansy, who had somewhat finished decimating her bacon. 

"How would you like to visit the Weasleys for Christmas?" I asked her, and she froze. 

"I, uh don't know that that's a good idea," Pansy said nervously so I smiled. 

"Hey, it's okay. If you don't want to go, then we can stay here"  I said, and she nodded. I smiled.

Now I just had to find her the perfect present. We'd agreed not to go on a date to Hogsmeade that weekend, since we both had Christmas shopping to do, so I showed my purple release form to Filch and wandered off into Hogsmeade, looking for the perfect gift. I only had so much money, but I was willing to spend most of it on a Christmas gift for Pansy, if not all. I arbitrarily walked into the jewellers, and began my hunt. There were some close competitors, including a red heart shaped pendant encased in silver wings, but I wasn't sold on any of them. I continued strolling until I noticed a shop that had evidently set up for the Christmas season. 

I walked in, thinking how perfect it would be to have the castle almost to ourselves over Christmas. Most of the teachers were going home too, except for Professor McGonagall and Professor Henderson, my two favourite teachers. 

Suddenly, several things caught my eye...

A/N I know its a filler, but please don't kill me. The next chapter will be epic :D

only two chapters left in this story :( so I have a very important question to ask all of you, my faithful readers. 

QOTD: For my next Harry Potter fanfiction, would you rather I do a Pansmione, Drarry, Linny, Blairon and Theville story, or a marauders era story featuring Jily, Wolfstar and Peter being not a traitor but just kind of an idiot? Comment!     (BTW both will get written eventually, it's just a matter of preference. 

Adios, amigos (No I'm not Spanish)                                                                                   

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