Happy Birthday Michael

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Michael Moss was raised and loved dearly by his mother since the day he was born. From the moment she saw him, Natalie knew that he was special and that she would never let him go. He was like a ray of sunshine as he cooed in her arms, his little hand wrapping around her finger bringing tears to her eyes. Natalie gave up her old way of life so that she could raise her son to be happy. There was a great cost to it, but it was definitely worth it.

But she had a problem. Natalie was a survivor of an attempted murder and judging by the news, he was looking for her desperately. She had two options given to her as she held her baby on the hospital bed. One, she would return home without the help of the police. Or two, she and her baby would be put into witness protection. So she had to go into hiding. Thats what the police suggested if she wanted her baby to be safe.

Even though she feared for her life, she made a promise that Jeff would never find Michael....

No matter what...


The sound of children's laughter and adult chatter filled the backyard with a chipper feeling, the soft 'pew pew'ing escaping the young children's lips after they were handed a pair of toy guns. It would seem there was a birthday party and that the whole neighborhood was invited. Many children were gathered around the backyard playground and their parents were settled on the patio, drinking and laughing amongst themselves.

In the middle of the said party, a woman with black hair and green eyes stood out from the crowd of blonds. She was watching a specific child intently, making sure he didn't get himself hurt. The woman was an exceptional beauty, quite normal looking to most. It also seemed that she was of Asian decent because of her eyes and black hair, but she also had something else on her blood that made her seem more mixed.

Either way, Natalie looked like an average, middle aged women. And judging by her actions towards her son, she was an amazing mother.

"Michael! Don't run around too fast or you'll trip!" Natalie cried out from her party table, watching her son as he played with the neighborhood kids.

Michael stopped in his tracks, holding his toy gun with toothy grin. Today, Michael was celebrating his own sixth birthday party and he was having the time of his life. The theme of the party was cowboys, and almost every child was dressed up like they lived in the old west.

"Okay, okay! I get it." Michael said with a playful roll of his eyes.

Natalie chuckled to herself as Michael continued to run after the others, the little boy's cowboy hat bouncing against his back as he pretended to shoot his friends

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Natalie chuckled to herself as Michael continued to run after the others, the little boy's cowboy hat bouncing against his back as he pretended to shoot his friends. Michael was really into cowboys because of the movie Toy Story. He was a huge fan of Woody and he consistently watched that movie every night before going to bed. It was insane.

"I seriously don't know how you do it, Natalie."

Jumping a bit in her seat, Natalie quickly looked over at her two neighbors, Missy and Carla. The two women were incredibly nice to her and she cherished them as friends. She had only lived in this neighborhood for six months, but her neighbors were already like family to her.

"Do what?" Natalie asked with a smile, calming herself and confused a bit by the question.

Carla laughed and pointed toward Michael. "Your son is adorable, you're a single mother and he actually listens to you. How on earth do you do it? I mean... My kids would run around like monkeys if I didn't offer them candy to behave."

"Well, I don't really do much at home to begin with, considering I have to work. When I am with him, I just talk to him. He's very understanding, now that I think about it..." Natalie explained, glancing over at her fingers in embarrassment. "But I think he just... he just knows what's good and bad, is all. He's a smart kid."

She didn't really like talking about her son to others, but he was such an angel. Well... Maybe a dark angel because of his black hair and his green eyes, all of which he got from his mother. Nobody knew why, but Michael had this mischievousness that drew people to him. It also scared them away, but because of his insight, he can easily read when to back off. It was strange.

I guess that side of him he gets from his father, Natalie thought darkly, her eyes filling with worry.

"Well, I hope your boy's charm rub off of on my sons. Mine have a horrible habit of lying," Missy said with a sigh, watching her kids as they played on the swing set. "They're terrible at it, but it's going to be a problem when they get older. How are they going to lie to their wives about their weight?"

The three women laughed in unison, the party continuing around them as they talked and joked about their work.

But what they didn't know was that this would be the last time they would gather like this...

He was right outside the gate. He was standing right there with his signature white sweater, his hood obscuring his face as he watched the three women laugh away their troubles.

The hooded figure grinned as soon as his eyes landed on Natalie's smiling face, his terrifying smile showing off the yellow of his shattered teeth.

"I found you, bitch..."

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