乂ʜᴏᴡ ᴛʜᴇʏ ᴋɴᴇᴡ乂

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            -i̸n̸i̸t̸i̸a̸t̸e̸ t̸h̸e̸ p̸l̸a̸n̸-

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We intrusted the search of  where the tracker hidden in our body to emma since they already saw that mama has a tracker when one of the kids where playing one girl got lost and mama intentionally showed them the tracker and how mama can find any kid easily  after a few weeks she found out that the trackers is located at our ears guilda seemed suspicious so i decided to watch her sometimes

We also started to initiate to our plan with training the kids we first ask them to play tag everytime its time to play while i kept my attention to mama so she if she suspects anything ill signal ray to stop and ray will tell them that they ran out of time from the passing days this is what we did over and over again then after these few days we met at the wall again just the four of us since norman wanted to say something to us so we went to the our spot more like my spot but i decided to share it to them since it would be easier that way

"we should do it in teams this time"norman said while making us confused ,ray decided to ask norman what he meant"what do you mean by 'doing it in teams'?"norman explained it properly"what i mean when we play tag we should put it in teams because if we split up its better that way"we nodded understanding his plan and iniated to his plan and played tag

First was emma's team who lasted longer than usual and norman's team was the next team who lasted even longer than emma's then next was my team my team only lasted a few more minutes than norman and last was ray's team who lasted thw longest after we were done playing, don said while stretching "ahh i wanna be the leader next time!" guilda smiled at don and said "it was so fun even (y/n) played with us!" the kids agreed and they were jumping around happily

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"we should tell guilda and don our plans "emma suggests,i denied her"what if their mama's spy?"  ray agrees with me "then was should we do?"emma said "we dont know where the tracking device is located-"i say and emma inturrups me "i cant find anything in my body too"i nod at her and continue what im talking about"even if we escape its mama will still find us..and theres other route to escape "emma looked sad and said "then checkmate?"

we nodded,emma starts whine saying'no fair' and whatever she says then norman came up with a solution "lets find out where is it located for now, and about guilda and don, we should tell them ill set a trap just encase they are mama's spy "i thought about it and agreed with norman"that makes sense"every one nodded "then lets tell them!"emma says enthusiastically

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"human trafficking?"

"what so what your saying that mama is selling us to bad people?"don catched up "yes"norman says"then what about conny is she okay?"don askes us"...we dont know.."emma says then don smiles and laughs then says "ahhahahah what a joke that was funny you know hahahahh!!" i glared at don while everyone looked serious then don stopped laughing"cmon guys you guys look so serious! This is basically a joke"don says anxiously, i glared harder at don and said coldly"if this was a joke i wouldn't have joined them,try facing reality you damn dimwit "

they were surprised that i insulted don but it disappeared when don keeps to denying it he kept going till i

  S̸͟͞n̸͟͞a̸͟͞p̸͟͞p̸͟͞e̸͟͞d̸͟͞      ₴ҋДҏҏЄ∂      S̸̸͟͟͞͞n̸͟͞a̸͟͞p̸͟͞p̸͟͞e̸͟͞d̸͟͞

        "damnit..im gonna lose it"

"you damn sht...cant you fkng understand. This is a farm and mama is the enemy stop denying it and fkng put it in your damn head you a$$hole..So shut up your so damn noisy."

I snapped at don while saying it in a calm but cold voice while glaring at him and everyone looked surprised that i cursed so many times,they never thought that i can curse like that then don looked down and said"im sorry.."guilda looked at don and said while proving our theory"don its possible you saw how emma and norman were acting after conny left theyve changed a bit.."

Don looked at guilda and said

"yeah...Im sorry..."

ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ:726 ᴡᴏʀᴅs

There ya goo!! I got confused on when they knew about it so i just placed an extra chapter for it i have no wifi so i couldn't know and sorry that its a lot shorter than usual

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