Chapter 1

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(This is a story that is taking place after the Word Tour. (Pretend they are not together)
Poppy and Branch are still friends but they confirmed that they loved each more then friends. They want to date each other but Poppy thinks it is going to mess up their relationship as friends)


Barb: Hey, Poppy. You got a minute?

Poppy: Sure. What's up?

Barb looks to see if nobody is around to ask Poppy this.

Barb: If you and Branch like, love each other, why won't you go out?

Poppy: Well...I don't want it to ruin our relationship now. And I don't know if I'm ready to date him. (She taps her fingers) So...What are you doing?

Barb: Nothing, I came to tell you that. (Crosses her arms)

Poppy: Well, umm I'm gonna go and see what the others are up too. Bye. (Leaves)

Barb: (Thinks) Why is she so....
Why cant I ever find a word?! (Storms off)

*Branch and Prince D*

Prince D: I thought you and Queen Poppy were together?

Branch: She still wants to be friends.

Prince D: Find something that will change her mind. Like, what does she like to do?

Branch: And how is this going to help?

Prince D: Just listen. What does she like to do?

Branch: Be with Trolls she's friends with.

Prince D: Isn't that everyone.

Branch: Yep.

Prince D: This is hard.

Branch: Hey!

Prince D: It had to be said.

Branch: (Groans)

Prince D: All Cooper talks about is him taking a mega dump. (🤢)

Branch: Ew.

Prince D: Right.

    *Barb goes to Smidge for help*

Barb: Hey Shorty, I need help.

Smidge: OH MY GAH, it's Smidge!

Barb: Smith, got it.

Smidge: (Smacks head)

Barb: Can you help me with Poppy and Branch?

Smidge: What? What happened?

Barb: Nothing bad has happened. Well, since you know Poppy more than me, can you help me get them together?

Smidge: Why?

Barb: 'Cause I've seen how they look at each other and wait, what are you doing?

Smidge: Okay, I got it. We need to get Poppy and Branch in place they both like, but that's going to be hard.

Barb: How?

Barb: Branch likes to be in his bunker and Poppy likes to be with her friends.

Barb: So we have to get Branch to Poppy.

Poppy: Have to get Branch to Poppy why?

Barb and Smidge: Ah, umm.

Poppy: Are you guys having a party with out me and Branch?

Smidge: Um, no. I was helping Barb plan a party and to get Branch to you 'cause we know your going to come right?

Poppy: Ok...Well can I help?

Barb and Smidge: No!

Poppy: Rude. I'm gonna go to Branch and Prince D. See ya. (Leaves)

Barb: Bye. Now we have throw a party. Great, how we gonna do that if we have different was to party?

Smidge: How do you rock Trolls party?

Barb: We play Dare or Dare and Dare each other to eat rocks or jump in lava. And if theirs a birthday we put the Trolls head in the cake.

Smidge: (Gasps) Well, that is not how we do it.
We party like with decorations, food lots of food, glitter, punch...

Barb: Oo, so you throw punch's at Trolls? I like that!

Smidge: No. Never mind. Come on, let's go.

Barb: I like that!

*Poppy goes to Branch and Prince D*

Branch: Poppy, What are you doing here?

Poppy: Hi, can I talk to you?

Branch: Okay.

Prince D: (Winks)

Poppy takes Branch to spot that no Troll has been in.

Branch: Poppy. What is this place?

Poppy: Sit down.

Branch: (Sits)

Poppy: (Sits beside him) Branch, I been thinking a lot about this and I think I'm ready to take it to the next level, if you're interested?

Branch stood there in silence till he said.

Branch: Poppy, y-your sure?

Poppy: Yes, Branch, I have known you my hole life so I know if I'm making a good Choice.

Branch: Creek?

Poppy: Ok, only one bad. But that's not the point, I want to be with you Branch.

Branch smiled at Poppy then she leaned to him and kissed him. It last a few minutes, Branch didn't want to let go. But Poppy did.

Poppy: Come.

Branch followed Poppy to Harmony Village.


Bye, Broppy Lovers!

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