Chapter 9

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Still in the underground tunnel.

" Can you let me see my grandson?! Plz? I haven't seen him in years" A big Female Troll said. " Sure" The mysterious Troll said. " You will see him soon" He continued, getting her and taking her to Troll Village.

Back in Harmony Village.

Barb, Poppy and Branch are getting ready to set up the party. The Trolls didn't know that it was a baby shower. " Popcorn, where do I put these things on?" Barb asked Poppy. " Put them over there, no to the left, a little to the right, and an tiny bit to the middle, perfect" Poppy directed. " Ok, I'm done, I'mma go chill with my dad" Barb said, walking off. Branch goes to Poppy, and asks her, " Hey, Pops, you need anything?" " No, but thanks, Branchie" Poppy said, putting her hand on her belly. Poppy is 2 months old. " Okay, wait, does the gang know about the baby?" Branch questioned Poppy. " .... Not yet... I'll tell them tonight.." Poppy said. " Okay, I love you, Poppy and the lil one in there" Branch said, kisses Poppy's belly. Biggie and the Snack Pack look at Branch. " Ah...Branch, why are you kissing Poppy's belly?" Biggie said. " ........ I wasn't kissing her belly, I was... ahhh... umm..." Branch stuttered. " I might be small, but I ain't dumb. Uncle Branch, Aunt Poppy is pregnant, right" Tiny said. " I-Ah-Yes" Poppy Said. " We're on jump suit duty!" The twins said. " I'm a Aunt" Smidge said. " I'mma be a Uncle" Cooper said. " And I have some one to play with now" Tiny said. Poppy smiled and Branch did too. They all helped Poppy and Branch set up to the party.

3 hours in the party.

The Trolls were partying, and dancing. Prince D was talking to Cooper. " Then I said again, I emerged from the womb, darkness, then Poppy stopped me" Cooper said. " Well, bro, that was a story..." D said, putting his paw on Cooper shoulder. Poppy was sitting with Delta and Essence. " So your happy to be a mom Poppy?" Essence said. " I'm very happy" Poppy said smiling. They all smiled. Then Barb came in, " Hey how you doin', I'm doing just fine, I lied, I'm dying inside" Barb said, sadly. " Umm Barb what happened?" Poppy said, worried. " Can I talk with you alone, Poppy" Barb said. " Okay" Poppy replied. They left. " Barb only calls Poppy, Poppy, if it's urgent. That has to be something important?" Essence said. " Yeah" Quincy said, overhearing them.

With Poppy and Barb.

" So what you want to talk about?" Poppy asked. Barb took a deep breath.
" IthinkImightlikeRiffandIneedyourhelp!" Barb said, fast. " Whoa, girl, calm down, what did you say?" Poppy said, calming Barb down. She did. " Okay, I think I might like Riff and I need you help. Pop-Squeak I can't have a crush on my lackey" Barb said, holding Poppy shoulders." Well, I think he might feel the same way" Poppy chuckled. " Really! Ah.. I mean why would he" Barb said. " Okay, he gives you information and puts a innocent face on if you get mad, and he try's to make you happy." Poppy confirmed. Barb smirked. " Well I think you got your answer" Branch said, walking towards them. " Hey, bro" Barb said. Poppy smiled at him. " Well, I'mma go to the party because I'm suppose to be there anyway" Branch said, walking back to the party. " I'm gonna join him" Poppy said, gesturing the way to the party with her fingers and leaving. " I'm coming too" Barb said, running after them.

Few hours later in the party.

They were all giving Poppy and Branch presents. " Aww, a hair comb, thanks!" Poppy said. " Poppy, the baby can probably hurt him/herself with that, if we have it laying around" Branch disagreed. " The baby is going to be in the crib, Branch, it's no where near the baby" Poppy replied. Branch rolls his eyes. " Hey, have you guys come up with baby names, yet?" Biggie asked. " No, actually" Poppy said. " Oh" Biggie sighs. Then, they all hear something in the bushes. " What's that?" Poppy said. Branch goes in front of Poppy. They move forward towards the bush. Then, the mysterious Troll comes out with Branch's grandma. Branch eyes couldn't believe what he saw. His grandmother is alive. He thought a Bergen ate her. " Grandma" Branch steps a bit forward. " Branch, look how much you grown" Rosiepuff said. Poppy looked at Branch happily. " Creek, what are you doing here?" Poppy said, angrily." I'm here for you Poppy" Creek said. " Okay, hold up, Branch didn't you say your grandma died?" Barb said. " He did say that, but I think she ran away and found her shelter in the wilderness" Poppy said. Branch growls at Creek. " Oh, Branch look like you got you colors back" Creek said, giving him a face. Branch went up to him and....


Bye Broppy lovers!


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