Chapter 6

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Branch stood there in shock of Poppy's response. " Branch, say something" Poppy said, nervously. Branch smiles and picks up Poppy bridal style and spins them around. Poppy giggles. " I-I-I c-can't believe that we're going to be parents" Branch said, kisses Poppy. Poppy pulls away, and looks in Branch's eyes. " Poppy, what's wrong?" Branch said. " I'm happy that your happy and I am happy too, it's just..." Poppy said. " Pop" Branch was nervous. " It's just, what if Creek is still alive" Poppy said, about to cry. " Poppy, Creek is not going to come back no time soon, just relax" Branch said, pulling Poppy for a hug. Poppy smiled and hugged him back. " Thanks hon, I feel better now" Poppy said, pulling away from the hug a puts a kiss on Branch's lips. " So, do the other's know?" Branch asked. " Not yet" Poppy said. " I'm going to think about when" Poppy said, thinking.

( Troll Square)

Barb was siting on a rock playing her music. And the other's were talking to each other. ( 'Cause I'm lazy) Barb got up from the rock and asked the Trolls where are Branch and Poppy.
But they didn't know. " Well I'ma go find them" Barb said, aggressively.

Barb went to go find them and went to Poppy's Pod and Knocks on the door. Poppy looks out the door to see Barb. " Hey, Barb, come in" Poppy said, with a smile. Barb went in. " So, what you guys doing?" Barb said. " Um thinking about something" Poppy said. " About.....?" Barb said. Poppy looked at Branch from her side, then back at Barb. Poppy takes a deep breath. " Me and Branch are g-going to be p-parents" Poppy said, rubbing her arm. Barb looked at Poppy and Barb with a smile and started to jump around, then stopped.
" You did see nothing" Barb said, putting her arm together. " That a first" Poppy said, Chuckles and so does Branch. They talked for a few minutes about to tell all the Trolls.

( Troll Square)

Poppy and Branch went to the stage and Barb waited with the The Snack Pack and the Others. " Me and Poppy will like to say something that will shock you guys" Branch said, looking at Poppy. " I-I-I-I'm going to be a mom and Branch is going to dad" Poppy said, a little nervous. The Snack Pack and the others were in shocked then started to cheer for the married couple. " Congratulations" A Troll said. And the Trolls were congratulating them.

Bye Broppy lovers!


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