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after the trainees drank one last bottle, group a eventually paid the bill to be kind. they all walked to their dorms, only one being sober enough to lead them all to the right building.

"you guys are way fun to drink with." minkyun said as they all stopped and waited for shownu to put in the code to get into the building.

"yeah, let's take a selca to remember this moment." jooheon said, taking his phone out and putting it in front of the trainees' faces.

"one, two, three!" the trainees made peace signs and finger hearts, posing for the picture.

"anyways, thank you for lunch." shownu thanked, as all of them walked into the building and separated into their dorms. after shownu opened the door, the four drunk members immediately ran to the bottom bunks and passed out. he shook his head, seeing his teammates sleeping while cuddling each other.

although it was still the afternoon, shownu decided to head to the company to practice by himself.

and even after he came back after a long practice, the boys were still sleeping in the same places as they were before he left. shownu shook his head and smiled and decided to make himself some dinner.

~ the next day ~

kihyun was the first one up, and he jumped to see that changkyun was sleeping right next to him. he sat up, glancing at the clothes he was wearing. realizing they were the same clothes he was wearing the day before, he then felt a sharp pain go through his head, as he was experiencing a sore headache.

one by one, the others also started to wake up, experiencing headaches just as bad as his.

"hyung, my head hurts a lot." changkyun cried, burying his head into his hands.

"all of ours hurt." kihyun told him. he stood up and went to the kitchen cabinet to see if there was any medicine he and the others could take to get rid of the headache.

"shownu hyung!" he called. shownu came out of the bathroom and laughed.

"you guys are experiencing the hangover now, huh?" he asked, laughing. kihyun slapped his chest.

"it hurts." kihyun complained. "how did we get it anyway?"

"you guys must have drunk like it was the last day you would live," shownu said, reaching the top row of the cabinet. he grabbed a container of medicine and gave it to kihyun. "take this. it will help get rid of your headache."

all of a sudden, a running minhyuk went straight to the bathroom and vomited.

"i think we're all sick; we can't go to practice, definitely." jooheon said as he walked into the kitchen to drink water.

"how did we end up getting drunk anyway?" kihyun asked him.

"well, we had lunch with the other group after practicing a bit." shownu started to explain. "then, they offered us to drink with them. you guys ended up agreeing, and you guys drank so much. i only drank one cup of champagne, while minhyuk over there drank almost ten."

shownu pointed to the bathroom, where they heard him throw up. kihyun scrunched his face, feeling bad for minhyuk.

"so, we ate and drank with them?" jooheon asked. shownu nodded, making jooheon gag.

~ time skips ~

after eating a small dinner, the boys started to get ready to sleep. they all felt better after resting a day.

"i just thought of something." minhyuk said, hopping onto his bed. "we drank and ate with the other group, right?"

the others nodded.

"what if they got us drunk on purpose?" he thought loudly, leaving the others confused.

"why would they do that, though? why being drunk out of everything?" changkyun asked.

"okay, hear me out, i promise i'm not crazy." minhyuk explained. "what happens when you're drunk?"

"you act all loose, and you say whatever." kihyun replied. minhyuk's face lit up when he heard the right answer.

"exactly. when we say whatever, it can be anything, right?"

the others nodded again.

"notice how every time we meet up with them, they always ask us about y/n? what if they made us drunk, so we can spill everything about y/n and what we do with her?"

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