Freddy's Fury

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Foxy's hook was around my neck, one slick move and it'd be all over. My eyes explain our history together, Freddy's and mine. Just thinking about it hurts, but sometimes, it's worth remembering.

"Come on Fred" Freddy hollered, signaling me to follow in the ally way. I slowly made my way towards it. It was dark, scary, silky webs hung from wall to wall, and spray paint everywhere.

"Are you sure...?" I asked. My eyes were silver back then, were.... 2 figures stepped out of the dark. One with torn up clothes, the other in a yellow dress, wearing a bib. That's right, Foxy and Chica.

I didn't want to stay and so did Freddy. We turned to run but a kid in purple clothes stood there, Bonnie. Freddy bowed down like some sort of idiot and sacrificed me. It worked... Foxy's hook stabbed me in one eyes, then the other. Both my eyes bled, as Freddy stepped on me, smiling, Bonnie laughed with Foxy, and Chica kicked me.

----End Of Flashback----

"Why are you here?" Freddy asked viciously. He stared into my dead black eyes.

"I-I've been h-" before I could finish, Freddy's strong fist jabbed me in my torso. I spit out pure scarlet blood.

"Let's leave this trash in here." Stepped in Chica. The one who's friendly with kids, was the total opposite with me. What did I do wrong?

Foxy dropped me but Freddy wasn't done. He took one foot, and stepped on my face, over and over, until I was for surely knocked out.

"I'm sorry, old friend. But I'm no part of you anymore. I have my friends, you have nobody. I have friends to look up to. You, you have a crumb a dust to say hi to and watch it abandon you. That's how I thought of you. Now, and then." Freddy pointed out. I was always a fool.

A few hours passed and I woke up, someone besides me, I was shocked to see it but it was true. The person aside me was someone I didn't think it would be....

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