//This is a human story. Told in the POV of Golden Freddy//
There I was, alone again, just as any day in the closet. The 4 main workers, Freddy, Bonnie, Chica and Foxy were great friends, but never noticed me.Freddy was really talented, singing his songs. Bonnie rocked that guitar and Chica was amazing with the kids. Foxy impressed and inspired many. Me? I never did anything for them, and I couldn't do a thing...
The show ended as the kids left, happily, some kept their greasy white bags with leftovers in it. The stage was bright, flashes of purple, yellow, and a stage light on it. It was magnificent. "If only I could take part" I wished.
My dreams never came true, and it was a fact. I noticed that the 4 gathered around eachother. I kept on snooping, and watching...
"Great show toda- what was that?" Freddy mumbled. I finally noticed I made quite a sound while kneeling on the wooden floor to look. A huge creek sound kept being made as the 4 came closer. I backed up, and the door swung open. Foxy, with the torn up, wrinkled red and scarlet shirt and blue dirty jeans, pinned me straight to the wall.
Freddy found me familiar though, as if, I were a long lost friend. I wasn't.... We just... Had a short history together.... When he abandoned me for his own life....