Sexuality Representation

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Can't stress this enough, there should be better representation of sexualities in BL series. People think two boys in love is automatically gay representation. It isn't because a guy liking other guy doesn't mean they are gay. They could be bi, pan, and etc. Though, mostly all the guys say I OnLy LiKE Him!

In my mind how I jokingly picture them:

"Suck dicks? Hah, I'm fine!"

*See male love interest*

"But him, Definitely! Still no homo, just him. Anyways, gotta go to get down on my knees for him."

I can count in only one hand when a character flat out admits their sexuality. Pete from Love by Chance; Alex from Until We meet Again; Frame from Make It Right; Fourth from 2Moons2. These are the only ones I can remember. There's is literally a shortage of sexuality's representation in a BL dramas. To be honest, it gets me frustrated.

To get this clear, it's PERFECTLY okay when a character don't put a label on their's sexuality, it's not required. Don't get that mess up. We should all respect when a person chose to label or not label themselves, rather it their sexuality or identity. Respect who they are.

Though, as a girl label who herself as lesbian I wouldn't mind to see future characters label theirs sexuality. I'm not trying to get rid of the characters who care not to, I just want to see different sexualities mention.

Edit: You know, when some people hear "add more" they hear "take away."

Because for a fucking BL series's there isn't really sexualities mention. I think it got to do with BL was made to be gear towards women who were perceived as fetishizers, and they were made my the said fetishizers.

But hey!

In the BL community (writers or fans): Not all women fetishized gay people. Not all of us are women. Not all of us are straight.

We are a new generation of people, and a lot of us are wanting better representation seen in BL. We aren't going to be satisfied on seeing the same dang thing and there's no progression. Rather it'll be, women representation; different skins tone to be seen; gender role being broke done; different kinds of relationships; and of course what this chapter is talking about sexuality representation.

And I fucking know there are more representation people want to be seen in BL not just what I name! For pulling out a relationship from the LGBTQ+ community there is not much of a sight of representation of the many beautiful people in the community.

I'm sorry if I'm sounding too political and mad. I'm not mad I'm sad.

There are so many people from different backgrounds who went to BL series because of the "representation," but as you keep on watching more and more series it's like "there aren't a lot of me to be seen in these. Where are my struggles or my joy of being who I am?" Sorry, if this doesn't speak to anyone this is what I felt with some series.

Of course you can argue BL are supposed to be light they don't need to add all of that. I can see your point but a simple question I have to say: Wouldn't that be great to see representation?

Like a BL can be still be light if they mention this character sexuality. It still be light if they added actual darker skin's Thai and don't make fun of darker skin color-

A/N Well it wouldn't be light since their tan! 😜 I apologized for this untastful joke I'm just trying hard to lighten the mood. Hahaha-

I'll stop 😔

I'm going a little bit outside of the BL series. But what is the deal how they treat bisexuals man or woman in Thai series. The two girls I saw, in Waterboy and Girl Next Room, who've dated girls end up with a guy. In all BL's, the ones who dated girls end up with guys.

Is no huge surprise bisexuals can end up with with either females or males, though I feel like their not getting it.

It feels like they try to write off the other gender they also feel attraction to.

A bisexual girl never ends up with a girl. To get back on track to BL, why there is never a bisexual guy character who doesn't date a girl at the end?

A stupidest explanation I keep of seeing is, they basically find the right gender not interested any the other gender before. Believe or not, I see it in multiple series I watched and the books they were based off. Some people took that and say they same like it's true.

I honestly think why some media doesn't portray bisexuals well is because they still don't understand. People still wonder how it's possible to be attracted to both female and male. Some BL fans are writing it off like they "turn" fully gay for the other guy but still want to say their are (insert name)sexual, like what? I don't agree with either one, but chose one or the other mindset it's making me confuse.

They did it with Frame from Make It Right who openly admits to Book he have sex with boys and girls.

Can bisexuals love the pussy or dick in peace, rather it be sexual or romantic? Because you know there are asexual bisexuals out there. I don't want to sound rude, but people should get that liking man and woman aren't just purely sexual.

I kinda want to got in the topic how they portray openly bisexuals as a huge ass flirt, but this is too long. Maybe some other time...

With this rant, I wanna concluded that it be nice to see more characters to label their sexuality. If they label themselves such as being bisexual I want too see a more accurate representation, it applies to all the sexuality. Plus, *cough* some people should put some little bit of research of the LGBTQ+ community since they want to see a portrayal of the said community maybe the know better *cough* *cough*

WOW, what a long cough!

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