The Shipper got me mad

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I witnessed Incest! 😦

Yeah... Incest! 😧

"In" to the "Cest". 😯



The show decide to make Pam kiss Khet in Khet's brother body (Kim). . . I have no words.

Hahaha kidding you know I do. I'm fucking pissed and disgusted so you can tell I have things to say.

What are writers be smoking the write that shit?! What the director be smoking to direct that shit?! What the actors be smoking to act that shit out?! Come on the money can't be THAT good. Like, what they be smoking must be really strong as fuck to cloud their judgement. Cut it off! Cut the garbage drug off their system. Replace it with a better drug or just stay clean. I don't really care which pick. As long as they stop incest shit, I don't care what they do.

If they don't stop with the incest I'll gladly guide them to the nearest cliff.

Edit: OMG guys I meant for them to jump off and break their bones, not the "d word" 👌🏾. I'm talking arms broken, legs broken, or any other bones is definitely yes. But "d word" is no go I'm not evil guys. 😌

Okay I calm. Actually no I am not, but I'm going to try to be.

*Take deep breath in and then let it out*

So listen up guys, I was wrong. The show wasn't educational, and it didn't have purpose to be made. There's literally no point to make this piece of garbage.

1.The bitch is still shipping creepily.

2.The pretty glasses girl got a stupid boyfriend instead of a girlfriend (I'm happy for her but also not if that makes sense).

3.Teacher is NOT in a jail cell where she belongs.

Oh Kim? Oh I don't care about him. Like, I haven't know him a lot to care about him.

I'm actually happy he's dead, not trying to be rude or anything. It just that I'm happy the people who care about him knows he is gone, his body is bury, and love ones are able to properly grieve.

Way I'm sad for though. I hope he gets to be happy.

Khet I'm sorry you had to kiss your brother.

Glasses girl I hope your boyfriend (not girlfriend 😢) treats you well. Goodbye the love of my life— I mean you wonderful character.

Pam stop being creepy.

I forgot what I'm about to say so bye! I'm so mad I lost my train thought.

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