Chapter 1

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Harry's P.O.V

"Wake up, Harry! You're going to be late for school!" I heard my mum yell.      

"All right, all right," I groaned. "I'm getting up." I dragged myself out of bed.

I got up and fixed my hair in the mirror, getting dressed in what I hoped was an all right outfit, and wouldn't give me away for being gay. I didn't want anyone to know.

I walked down to breakfast, I sat down at the table and slowly ate my cereal. "Listen," my mum said sitting down. "I love you, and I just want you to know that you shouldn't be ashamed. It's you, and you shouldn't feel the need to hide who you really are from this school. Who knows, there might be another boy in the closet, and you could inspire him, and maybe he'll like you." She winked at me.

"Mum, I'm not going to say anything yet. But thanks for the advice," I told her. She was so supportive. I came out to her last month, and I still haven't come out to my dad, because I haven't seen him for a month. He's a scientist and he's on a trip right now, he'll be home tomorrow. I was on the verge of telling him before he left, but I was scared. I was scared that he would hate that I'm gay, maybe he won't consider me a son anymore. I just don't know what to do. Mum encourages me to tell him when he comes home, but I'm so scared.

My mum wrapped me in a big hug, "I love you so much. This is going to be your year, I can feel it." She let go and looked me in the eyes, her eyes were sparkling.

"Thanks, Mum," I smirked back at her. Wishful thinking, Mum. I thought.

I got up and put on my shoes, slinging my backpack over my shoulder, I started to head out to the bus stop. "Oh, no, honey, I'll take you to school." Mum stood up, slipped on her slippers and grabbed her keys.

"Mum, no offense, but I'm not sure how much my reputation will be helped by you driving me to school and embarrassing me." I said sheepishly.

"You're right," she said, taking her slippers off and grinning ear to ear. "Okay, love you sweetie, see you after school!" She called over my shoulder as I went out to the bus stop.

I walked up as soon as the bus pulled into the stop, perfect timing. I got on the bus and sat in the first seat, which was open. I looked out the window and prayed everything would be okay at this new school.

"Hey," I heard a voice say from across the aisle.

"Hi," I said back, looking for the source of the voice. It was a girl, who was about my age.

"What's your name?" She sat forward, I hoped she didn't think I was cute, how would I play that out without being a jerk? I couldn't just say, 'Oh, I'm gay. Sorry.' Or, 'Sorry, I'm not interested.' I'd be a jerk to do that. I'll just see what happens, I guess.

"I'm Harry. What's your name?"

"Lindsey. Are you new here? I haven't seen you around." Her eyes were sparkling with interest.

"Yeah, I'm new." I said, hoping that would stop the conversation. I didn't really feel like talking, my stomach was in knots.

"Oh," I think she understood, because she sat back. I sneaked a glance at her, she had her long red hair curled in little ringlets, she had bright blue eyes. She was pretty, but not my type, you know.

The bus stopped at the school, it looked smaller than my other school. Maybe I won't get lost in this one as much, like I used to.

I went to the office, "Hi, I'm here to pick up my schedule." I told the lady behind the desk.

"Last name?" She said blankly, shuffling through papers.

"Styles," I told her.

"Right. Here you go," she handed me a paper, adjusted her glasses, then went through shuffling papers again.

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