Chapter 6

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Harry's P.O.V

I woke up the next morning, and fear ran through me. I was so terrified. I can't get bullied here, my parents don't have enough money to move us again because I get bullied, so, if I do, I can't let it get to me. Well, at least I know Louis is attracted to me. Even if it's in private. He still likes me, he just can't show his affection. So, that might get me through the day. Although, I hate the fact that I can't say hi to him at all. I was about to get ready for school when I realized, it's Saturday. So, I lay back down and stared at the blank ceiling for a while. Not wanting to get out of bed, but, when I remembered I had homework, I knew I needed to get up. I got up, got my textbook out of my backpack and started my math homework. I got distracted halfway through when Lindsey called me, though. "Hello?" I whispered to the phone.

"Hey! Where have you been? I didn't see you at school all day, and when I called you yesterday, you didn't pick up! What's up? Are you okay?" 

"Lindsey," I breathed. "It's happening again."

"What's it?" She seemed cautious, like she knew but she wasn't sure. 

"The bullying. You know how Louis kissed me last night?" Without waiting for her to answer, I continued. "Well, today he told me he was attracted to me, but his reputation would be at stake if he came out as gay. So he's still pretending to be straight. However, that's not why I went home. His friend, the one who invited me to the game, shoved me on the ground, spilling all my schoolwork and called me a fag. Louis did nothing to help, and I bet him and his group are gonna bully me so Louis can draw any sort of suspicion that he likes me. I'm terrified, Lindsey. I don't know what to do." 

"Harry, you're going to be fine. If they ever call you a name like that again, I'm beating them up, all right?"

"Okay, okay. Thank you." I said, "Listen. I gotta do my homework. I'll call you later." 

"Alrighty, nerd. Bye." She chuckled and hung up. I shook my head and laughed and continued homework.

Pretty soon, my mum came into my room. "Honey, you want some breakfast?" My dad appeared behind her, they had worry expressions. I guess they worried with the whole...situation, I might get bad again. 

Looking at my mum, and how scared she looked for me, I knew I needed to not drag her into this anymore. If I'm bullied at school anymore, I'm not telling my family. So they don't worry. When I go back to school Monday, I'm going to tell them that they were just joking around and they considered me a friend rather than them actually harassing me. 

"Yeah," I forced a smile. "Pancakes?"

"Of course," a look of relief spread across her face as she left the room, as soon as she left the smile left my face and I went back to my cold hard stare as I finished my homework. After I finished my homework, I went down to the kitchen table to eat breakfast. I saw the pancakes set out, with orange juice. My parents were already sitting and talking in hushed voices, they stopped as I entered the room. I knew they were talking about me.

"Son, listen, I heard about your little problem at school with that why you had to switch schools last time?" He said.

"Yes," I said. I was confused.

"You were bullied for being gay? How come you didn't tell me?" He looked really hurt.

"I wasn't ready to come out to you yet...listen, can we not talk about this?" I said, taking my seat.

"Yes, of course," he said, we started eating and started casual conversations.

"Did you finish your homework?" My mum asked as she began to clear the table. 

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