✨Runaways Pt. 3 || Carson x Reader✨

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TW: interrogation, torture (nothing awful), blood, guns, violence

~Third POV~

The masked man grabs Hawk's hair and pulls it back roughly, making her yelp. Cooper pulls against his restraints, fire in his eyes. 

"Keep your hands off of her," he seethes, but the man just chuckles darkly.

"Ah, how sweet, I've caught two lovebirds. I'll say it again. If you tell me what your leader's location is, I will let you go," his knife comes extremely close to Cooper's throat, and he circles around him. 

"We won't tell you anything," Hawk squeaks out, her throat raw from screaming. She has fought back, and quite a fight she put up. However, it only led to a black eye, a swollen lip, and cuts all over her arms through her shirt. Cooper shares a similar fate, his nose broken and a black eye slowly forming. 

"Well if you won't, I know that they will come to me. You have no idea who you've pledged loyalty to," he clucks his tongue, and Cooper looks at Hawk. She shrugs, or attempts to, anyway. 

"They have done nothing but be kind, helpful, and compassionate to us. You definitely have the wrong person in mind," Hawk retorts, and the masked man spins to face her. 

"Oh, pretty girl, I didn't say they were bad. In fact they are quite the opposite, just as you said. That doesn't mean that you know any more about them. Do you even know their real name?" The two blondes look at each other, thinking on the same wavelength. They both come up empty. "That's what I thought. Now. I'll say it again. You tell me where they are, and I'll let you go," he gestures his arms to both of them. 



The group travels light, carrying only enough to defend themselves if necessary. Cheetah is the designated runner, his eyes almost as quick as his legs. Y/n tried to get Carson to stay with the other half of the group, but he was set on staying with them, and they weren't going to argue. So Stag is in charge of the group back at their base, and Carson and Y/n are leading two halves of their group on different angles towards the warehouse. Suddenly static erupts from the walkie, and they quickly grab it to turn down the volume. 

"No ide- you pledged- loyalty-" is able to be deciphered, and Y/n curses quietly, hitting the old com with their hand lightly. "... nothing but be kind, helpful, and compassionate to us. You definitely have the wrong person in mind," comes through clearly, and the leader quints. Definitely Hawk's voice, they think, before an unrecognizable voice comes in. 

"Oh, pretty girl, I didn't say they were bad. In fact they are quite the opposite, just as you said. That doesn't mean that you know any more about them. Do you even know their real name?" Their eyes widen and they shut off the walkie before other people could hear. How do they know who I am? Their heart starts beating rapidly, but they swallow their fear and trudge towards the entrance. 

"How did the walkie go off?" Meerkat whispers in question, but there is no time to ponder it. Y/n and their group slip in through the south entrance, Carson's through the north, slinking through the shadows. Voices can be heard coming from a room adjacent to the wing they enter, and a finger to the lips tells everyone to be as quiet as possible. 

The hair on the back of their neck rises, and the presence of another person in the shadows instantly weighs them down. Without blinking, they grab the gun from beneath their shirt and aim it right at the head of the person to their right. The practically glowing wide eyes of someone they never thought they'd see again catches Y/n off guard, and they take quick notice of the walkie in the figure's hand. 

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