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The world had changed.

Humans were not the ruling species anymore.

But were they ever really?

Some would say that since mankind has existed, something else has watched from the shadows, always there, always lurking, waiting for the right time to make their move.

That time had come.

I was told it had been some eighty odd years since that day, but those who were there then, were long gone now.

I was lucky to be here. My mom had a tougher upbringing than me; at least that's what she told me when I was young, though I found it hard to imagine anything harder than my way of life.

Food was even scarcer now, buildings in worse shape, but what people had then was a slight hope in their minds that things might get better.

That hope was now dead.

I certainly had none. I just had to try and live life to the fullest, which meant trying to survive each coming day and especially each coming night.

The nights were when you had to watch out for every single rustle of leaves in the trees and creaking of floorboards.

No matter where you went, you always had to watch your back.

That was one of the most important rules of survival.

You were always prey.

And the predators were always hungry.

For blood.

Eternal Darkness - Book One ✔Where stories live. Discover now