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Rafes POV

"Rafe where have you been man" Topper and Kelce walked over to me. 

"Not now guys" I said.

"Whats got you ignoring us, is it that girl?" Kelce smirked.

"No guys, she actually hates me because of you two"

"Oh someone is hurt" Topper made fun of me. 

"Can you guys just leave me alone" I walked away. 

"See you at the midsummers!" They yelled. 

Ellas POV

"Hey" Kiara came in my room.

"Hi" I said going through my closet knowing I didnt have a good enough dress to wear to the ball. 

"I bought you something"


"For the midsummers"


"I saw it and it screamed your name"

She unzipped the dress bag and pulled the long dress out. 

"You look so good!" Kiara said looking at me as I came out of my bathroom

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"You look so good!" Kiara said looking at me as I came out of my bathroom.


"Look we gotta go"

We got to the place the ball was being held and Kiara ran off as she saw Pope. I stood around looking at all the rich people drinking the fancy champagne wearing their expensive dresses. I stood by the edge of the house drinking a glass of champagne, obviously they werent carding since it was a fancy party. I looked at Rafe, Kelce and Topper who all seemed to be having fun watching the girls dance in their fancy dresses. I had no clue where Kiara was, of course she would leave me when the only two people here I know are Rafe and her. After a few drinks I was feeling a little tipsy, I looked to see Rafe dancing with a girl. Before I knew it I was dancing with Kelce. 

"I see why Rafe hung out with you so much" Kelce said spinning me around. 

"There is a lot about me you dont know" I smirked seeing Rafe watch us. 

"I would love to know" He then leaned down kissing me. 

"Okay Ella you are wasted, you need to get home" Rafe pulled me away from Kelce. 

"What are you doing" I looked at him as we got into his car. 

"I am doing you a favor, you dont want to end up spending the night with him"

"Or you dont want me too" I looked at him. 

"This is not about me"

"Or is it?  Because it seems like you dragged me out of there because you didnt like that I was with someone else"

"Ella" He scoffed. "I was with someone else too so why would I care?"

"Because thats what you do! You find someone else to cover your true feelings, im not dumb Rafe. I know it and so does everyone else!" 

"You are wrong"

"Really? Because yesterday when I was on the boat with you, you were begging for me to get back with you, you wanted me badly and now you all of the sudden can find yourself all up on someone else?" 

"Im taking you home" He started the car. 

We pulled into my driveway where he stopped the car and I got out. 

"Take it from me, running away from your feelings only hurts you" I shut the door walking towards the house. 

I felt a pull at my arm and suddenly Rafe had his hands on my cheeks and was kissing me. 

"Is that enough for you?" He looked at me. 

"This isnt what I wanted"

"You make that awfully confusing lately, you hate me one second and the next second you are telling me that I need you"

"You are putting words in my mouth"


"Rafe im drunk and you know that!"

"Drunk words are sober thoughts and you know that"

"Fine! I like you Rafe, I really really like you and I want to hate you for what you did to me but I cant find it in me to do it. I miss hanging out with you, I miss the way you made me feel, I miss how you always made me smile, I miss the way you feel against me, I just miss you. But you broke my heart, you used me as another one of your objects and I will not less myself be used as a pawn in your game, I deserve better than that" I then opened the door and walked in the house without seeing him, I cant see his reaction. 

I changed out of my dress into a giant shirt and sat down on my bed. I then heard noise outside of my window. 

"I want to be better for you" I looked at Rafe. 

I closed the curtain and ran downstairs, I couldnt resist anymore. 

"Then be better" I stood in front of him. 

He closed the distance kissing me. This is what I needed. 

Changing// Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now