Part 6

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Adrien POV
Before he went to see Mari

I stare at my father awaiting his reaction to my sudden declaration of love for the beauty that is Marinette.
"Adrien. You are the prince of this kingdom. You are expected to set an example for your people.Not fall in love willy nilly. Besides Adrien you can not fall in love with this one girl you've met once"He declared I look at him. He stood tall. I wanted to punch him. How dare he say that.
"As I recall, you met mother and asked her to marry you the next day" I smirk as he stood gaping at my words.
"That is true" Mother said as she walked in the room. I smile as my mother sat at my desk.
"Besides if Adrien really is in love with Mari. I don't see the harm of then being wed" Mother said.
"I do" Father said. And this began the arguement on whether or not Mari should be my wife or not. They didn't even notice when I slipped out the room and ventured of to my loves
home. Just thinking of her. Her alone. Imagining what we could be like of we were together. Just holding her in my arms at night before we slept. Kissing her lips. Buying her presents. Just making her smile. And then kids. Just imaging our daughter and two sons playing about together. That's when I realized I was out side of her home. I climbed up not really wanting to knock on the door.

To after adrienettes intimate moment

I held her close as we lay in her bed. Still panting heavily. I look at her, taking in the way she looked. Even though her hair was a mess and she was covered in darkening hickeys. She looked just perfect to me 

She looked up at me and I smiled at her. I lent down and place a kiss on her forehead. I wrapped my arm around her as she lent her head against my chest. I entwined my fingers with her. Just holding onto her.

Mari POV

I listen to his heart beat. Feeling it founding against his ribs.
"Mari" he murmured. I looked up at him. His usually combed hair a mess that looked amazing on him. I hummed in response.
"I want to ask you something. But if I'm moving to fast I'll understand" he started.
"Kitty wants wrong?" I ask as I soothe down his hair.
"I want to get married" He said . The biggest smile on his face imaginable.
"Will you marry me?" He asked
I shot up.
"Married" I repeated.
"Yeah. I want it to be just me and you. Know one else. Till you know with decide to have kids." He added on.
"Kids" I repeated. I stood up grabbing his shirt, slipped it on. I walked to the opposite end of the room.
"Mari. It's okay if you dont want to. Its. It's just that I dont want you out of my life. And I'm willing to do anything to make it happen. If it means getting married. Running away. Abandoning my title. The throne. Whatever. I will do anything for you my love." He rambled sincerely. He stood up. Putting his boxers back on again. He walked over to me. He wrapped his arm around my chest pulling me in to a hug so that my back was pressed up against his bare chest.
"No. I want to. I really do. It's just I never really thought about it properly before. You know" I tell him.
"Yeah I know it's a rush but wait. Did you just say..." he replied.
Before I cut him off with a "yes."
"Yes. I'll marry you" I smile. He laughed as he pulled me into a kiss. I happily kissed him back.
"Wait one second" he murmured against my lips. I watched as he raced to his trousers. Reaching in to his pockets he pulled out a ring.

My eyes widen as he placed the ring on my finger

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My eyes widen as he placed the ring on my finger. He placed a kiss on my hand. I entiwined our fingers together as I look at my fiance. I hugged him and he wrapped his arms around me.
That's when the door burst open.

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