⁵ A Proposal

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When Prince Buyeong joked that Seul should learn to be a doctor from him, she just laughed it off politely and said that she was more interested in science. Gon has influenced her a lot growing up, because they only had each other. Seul was grateful that Gon shared with her his thoughts, but his way of thinking used to be very different from hers since he was intelligent.

Not wanting to lose, Seul picked up some of Gon's books and learned from them. Now, they have intelligent conversations about science. Science always makes Gon happy with twinkles in his eyes.

Thanks to Gon, she pursued masters in science.

Now, she's contemplating of being under Prince Buyeong's tutelage.

She consulted with Gon a few weeks after seriously contemplating it. She had avoided Jo Yeong in those two weeks. Now that she's going to Gon, she bets he's with him. He was reading a book in his private library. Yeong was standing to his side as always. She ignored Yeong's presence and looked at Gon. Her eyes practically begged Gon to get Yeong out of the room. Gon sighed and did so.

Seul shared her thoughts and was met with Gon's raised eyebrow. Gon always thought his sister was always running away from her problems. Now it's getting worse.

"Seul-ah. Why do you keep running away from your problems?" He sighed.

"I am not running away from my problems. I am just simply thirsting for knowledge." Seul said as she crossed her arms.

"Is that so? Because I think you're doing this because of Jo Yeong." Gon said as he closed his book that he was reading to look at her. Seul just remained silent.

"Correction, it's about your conversation yesterday with Jo Yeong." Gon corrected.

Seul pinched her eyes.

"Yes... So?" She whispered.

"Why can't you just face him?" Gon suggested.

"It's not that easy."

"I know. You like him, don't you?"

With that, Seul froze.

"How do you--"

"You're my little sister. I have known both you and Yeong from you two were kids." Gon stood up and went in front of Seul.

"Running away is never an option, Seul-ah." Gon advised as he put his hand on her shoulder.

"Running away is the only option I have."

"Then create a new option. Everything has its variables. Nothing is limited."

"...What if I say I'm going to do that tutelage thing for Yeong?" Seul said.


"No. Yes. No. I don't know. I used to think I know him well enough but I guess not. What happened a few weeks ago would still be in my memory." Seul closed her eyes. Gon hugged her.

"It's just, after losing my center, I just need some time and find a new one." Her center was Yeong.

"Well. If that's so, then you have my full support." Gon smiled.

"This is my road to be happy!" Seul said excitedly. She didn't need Yeong to be the center of her life.

"Good... Prince Buyeong's coming over to visit soon. You can discuss it from him then." Gon informed.

Seul thankfully smiled and hugged her brother.

"Thank you..."

"Now go~ I have a lot of work to do." Gon shooed Seul away playfully. Seul scoffed and went out of the room. Seul was happy that Gon supported her.

Little did she know, Jo Yeong was in front of the room, still doing his job in guarding the King. Seul coughed.

"So. What's for lunch today?" Seul tried to converse with him.

"I believe it was some Guksu (Noodles), based on His Majesty's lunch." Yeong answered.

"Huh, great. Thanks!" Seul went away, making Jo Yeong raise his eyebrow. It has been a few weeks since Seul tried talking to him. The sudden question about lunch surprised him, as Seul is a hard headed person that does not like to lose (You can see it with Gon).

Jo Yeong then proceeded to go back inside Gon's private study. Gon was in a phone call with Prince Buyeong.

"Oh yes, Seul's back. She can't wait to see you, yes... yes. Haha, see you soon!" Yeong didn't mean to eavesdrop but apparently Seul's next plan involves Prince Buyeong in some way...

𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐁𝐄𝐘𝐎𝐍𝐃 𝐘𝐎𝐔 [Jo Yeong × OC | The King: Eternal Monarch]Where stories live. Discover now