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It wasn't his first day, nor his last. So it shouldn't feel like any other day, right? Well that's where your wrong. Because today, Adrien felt so lifeless that he could barely manage to take five steps. People noticed to. But what'd they do? They only stared and watch the model slouch to class.

When looking in the mirror, it seemed as If his bright green forest eyes shifted to a more grey, dead and burnt green instead. But that was only this morning, so he hadn't gotten to see how they looked in hours. It's not like he wanted to either.

"Adrien" he heard a voice as he sat down, waiting for class to start. He didn't feel like talking, but it's not like ignoring people is any better. When he turned his head behind him, he saw the familiar bluenette staring back at him. Immediately she noticed how pale and dead his face looked.

"What happened to you?" She didn't hesitate to ask. Adrien just shrugged his shoulders and turned back to face the board and continued waiting for class. But he barely managed to let one thought pass through his mind before he soon felt a tap on his shoulder. So once again, he turned behind him. "Don't ignore me, Adrien. Everyone can tell something's wrong with you today." But once again, he didn't seem to care. So he did the most reasonable thing and just turned away. Again.

"Adrien!" He heard whispering behind him, as someone was trying to get his attention. But he didn't have time for that right now.

"Adrien, you better talk to me right now and tell me what's up before I force it out of you!" More whispering came. Marinette may have been his best friend, but she was going to get nothing but silence from him.

"Hello everyone!" Mrs. Bustier, their teacher, began to teach. "On today's marvoulous day, we'll be focusing on-" but that's when Adrien tuned her out. It in fact wasn't a marvoulous day at all. It was anything but marvoulous.

Marinette was his best friend for as long as he could remember. It all started when his mother decided to visit the Dupain-Cheng bakery, and their parents became friends. So it was no surprise when the both of them started bonding too. She'd always been a little aggressive, yet sweet. So when Marinette was desperately trying to figure out what was wrong with him, he wasn't surprised.

They were only 16 now, but when they met they were only about 8. 'Almost ten years' Adrien wondered in his thoughts. But it wasn't long before they were cut off, again.

"Adrien, are you listening?" He nodded. "Okay, good. Then do you mind telling me what we just discussed exactly?" Asked Mrs. Bustier. He knew the answer, it was simple. They were taking a recap from their American Revolution lesson yesterday. But when Adrien opened his mouth to spit out the words, nothing came. So he sat there and froze, and watched as the entire class stared at him and waited for an answer to slip from his mouth.

"I didn't think so, Mr. Agreste. Please go visit the principals office. Next time, I expect your full attention." The class watched in shock as they watched him trail off to the principal's office. This was the first time Adrien Agreste had been sent to the principal's office, so this was something nobody expected.

'He's not getting away that easily' Marinette watched the door slam behind him, declaring class could continue as it had before.

"Wait, Marinette- what are you doing?" Alya watched as her best friend stood up and rose her hand proudly. "Adrien shouldn't have gotten detention for such a minor situation!" Marinette protested to her teacher, without even waiting to be called on. "Excuse you, Marinette?"

"I mean, I don't blame him for not paying attention. Who even does?" Marinette said, still standing. "Well since you insist, Marinette, please go to the principals office as well." Mrs. Bustier gestured for her to exit the door.

Marinette only turned back at Alya to let out a wink of victory. She grabbed her things, and followed out the door.


"Come in" said the owl like man after hearing the familiar knock on his door. "You can sit down there, next to Adrien." He offered. "I'll be back in a second to discuss with you two what happened. But if you don't mind, I have to pick up some papers I've just printed. Stay here." Mr. Damocles stood up and exited the small room, closing the door behind him. If it were to be anyone else, though, he wouldn't bother to leave even if it were for one second. But he knew Marinette and Adrien were good kids and wouldn't try to pull anything.

"So are you going to talk to me now? Or just sit there and worry me more" complained Marinette. He only shrugged again. It was like he couldn't make eye contact with her, no matter what he did. So he looked to the side of her and began to zone out. "Please, Adrien. Talk to me." She pleaded. In all honesty, he would tell her. But the truth is, he just wasn't ready to talk about it.

"Some other time" was all he could get out. So she nodded, understanding this wasn't something he wanted to talk about right now.

But shortly after, Adrien jumped after feeling a soft head lay against him. But he was reassured to find out it was only Marinette. She had scooted her chair beside him, and was now resting on him. They weren't a couple or anything, but being best friends there was nothing wrong with it. They never got moments like that anymore. Moments where they could just sit together quietly, and ignore the world around them. The one time both could be worryless.



"You know you can tell me anything, right?"

"I know."

Promise [Adrienette au]Where stories live. Discover now