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Shadow Hunters POV

Clary was going to meet up with her friends to tell them about her past as Sonya when a flash of white and then her and her friends stood in a theater like room, with other people some she already knew.

"Tommy" a voice said

Teen Wolf POV

Stiles or also known as Thomas and many other names stood at a pack meeting which he hasn't been at in a long time. He has been missing for around 5 years and he is being filled in with all the stuff that has happened while he was missing.

"That's all that happened while I was gone." Stiles asked and everyone nodded there heads, they all wanted to know what he was doing in the last 5 years but were scared it would make him upset.

"Go ahead ask what you want to ask" Stiles said as he noticed the looks he was getting.

"What happened to you? Are you ok?" Scott asked his best friend.

"I-" Stiles started to say but was interrupted by a flash of white and then he was in a theater like room with a bunch of people, some he actually knew.

"Tommy" a voice said

DeepWater Horizon POV

Some of the deepwater horizon survivors would all gather and have a barbecue and Caleb Holloway used to always come but he went missing and no one had seen him since.

"I wish Caleb was here" Mike said

"Yah Hollywood always made things fun" Jimmy said and then there was a flash of white and they were in a theater like room with a group of people some knew others.

"Tommy" a voice said

The Maze Runner POV

"We need to find Tommy" Newt said

"We are trying but after you 'died' he just ran off, thinking he killed you" Minho said looking down sadly.

"I know but I can't have him living his life thinking he killed me. And I miss him" Newt said whispering the last part, but everyone still heard him.

"I know and we'll find-" Minho started but was cut off by a flash of white light and then they were in a theater like room with a group of people, some they actually knew.

"Tommy" Newt cried

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