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"Alright so the next is going to be of Stuart so when Stiles was Stuart." Gamora said

"Damn you look hot in a beanie and glasses" Lydia said and Thomas just blushed as everyone nodded in agreement.

"I'm buying you a Beanie when we get back" Lydia said

"No no no I am not going back to those days" Thomas said

"Why?" Newt asked

"Show them some of the things I did as Stuart." Thomas said

"Ok" Gamora said

"I'm texting her that I love her and I'm sending her this picture of Little Lyle as he made pee in the bushes look he's winking" Lyle said drunk off his ass

"That's a horrible idea" Jimmy said

"No Lyle Lyle Lyle that's a horrible idea please don't do that your drunk off your ass" Nick said

"See he gets it" Jimmy said

"I appreciate your concern but I'm fline baby" Lyle said

"Ok Lyle you are not Fline. What's 17 squared?" Billy asked

"289 why?" Lyle said

"How the hell" Mike asked

"Just wait"  Stuart said

"Give me a harder question." Billy said looking at Stuart and Nick.

"Try um maybe the Square route of 17?" Stuart said

"How do you even-" Magnus trailed off

"He's smart" Scott said

"4.23 maybe" Lyle said

"That's the app, that's the app we should do right there" Nick suddenly said

"What?" Billy said

"Some quiz question you gotta answer before you can send a drunk text or a drunk email or phone call. Some thing to protect you from yourself." Nick said

"That's actually a good idea" Kira said

"That's good can we do that?" Billy  asked looking at Naha

"Hell's yah we could do that!" She said

"Are you shitting me I could program the shit out of that bitch on the bus ride home." Max said

"Well I'll take that as an over Welling yes then come on" Billy said and they all started cheering.

"How the hell are you so smart?" Jace asked

"Um I don't know" Thomas said

"Alright next video" Gamora said

"So how was Google?" Scott asked jokingly

"It was great other then the two adults who wouldn't stop talking" Thomas said

"Very nice" Scott said laughing

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