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"The next I will show you is going to be Caleb so there is a lot of stuff that needs to be said before I put it on." Gamora said

"Oh no" everyone that was in the DeepWater Horizon said

"Before stiles became Thomas he changed his name to Caleb. Caleb worked at an Oil rig called DeepWater Horizon. The DeepWater Horizon spill is an industrial disaster that began on April 20, 2010, in the Gulf of Mexico on the BP operated Macondo Prospect, killing eleven people. The US government estimated the total discharge at 4.9 million barrels (210 million US gal; 780,000 m3), 794.93649 Liters." Gamora said and paused for everyone to take in what they heard.

"After (4 months, 4 weeks, and 2 days) and several failed efforts to contain the flow, the well was declared sealed on September 19, 2010. The oil spill took 87 days and was called "the worst environmental disaster the U.S. has faced"" Gamora said

"The DeepWater horizon Eleven were;
Jason Anderson- Age 35
Dale Burkeen- Age 37
Donald Clark- Age 48
Stephen Curtis- Age 40
Gordon Jones- Age 28
Roy Wyatt Kemp- Age 27
Karl Dale Kleppinger- Age 38
Blair Manuel- Age 56
Dewey Revette- Age 48
Shane Roshto- Age 22
Adam Weise- Age 24" Gamora said and then there was a moment of silence until Minho spoke.

"Can we watch the videos please?" Minho said and the Gladers were shocked that he said please.

"Yah" Gamora said

"How you doing Caleb?" Mike asked as he shook Calebs hand

"Yeah how you doing man? A lot better a couple hours ago." Caleb said

"Why's that?" Mike asked

"I was asleep" Caleb said

"That's such a stiles thing to say" Malia said laughing

"Actually" Mike asked

"Yeah they woke us up, got us working over" Caleb said not sounding happy at all.

"Hey man what's up with the street clothes?" Caleb asked as he looked at Mikes clothes

"Jimmys pissed wants to know if you ran a cement test?" Mike said

"I'm not sure I don't think so" Caleb said Looking confused

"Hey Shane" Mike called over to Shane

"You guys run a Cement test?" Mike asked as Shane came running over to them

"I don't know, I don't think they did, I just woke up so..." Shane said looking just as confused as Caleb

"Is that stupid?" Mike asked

"I don't know if it's stupid, but it ain't smart" Caleb and Shane said at the same time.

"Look at your guys, your synchronized swimmers" Mike commented

"Yah yah get the hell out of here" Caleb said and Mike walked off.

"What the hell are you wearing?" Jason said

"Mr Jimmy wants to know if Chlumberger auditioned the cement" Mike said

"What" Jason said

"The Cement test, test the cement job, come on man work with me" Mike said

"Who's that again?" Jason said

"Cut the shit, Jimmy's pissed man" Mike scowled

"It's Lumberger you Democrat" Jason said laughing his ass off

"You run the test or not?" Mike asked

"Well Vidrine and Kaluza sent them home without testing anything" Jason answered

"Well why the hell would they do that?" Mike asked

"Never that the urge to take me through their thinking Mike, but I think it's got something to do with money money money moneyyyyyyyy" Jason sang and then the rest of the crew were singing it with him, then Mike picked up the phone.

"Phones are Broken" Jason stated as he got his walkie talkie and started talking to Jimmy about the situation.

Suddenly there was a short beep, and the screens turned blue.

"Mike, H.A. Just crashed" one of the workers said "blue screen again"

"God damn it" Jason grunted

"Hey Zok your scream still up?" Mike asked into his walkie talkie

"My computer screen is shaky and my smoke detectors are out" his voice cane through the walkie talkie." How you doin' Mike?"

"Let me drop my duffel bags and get my tools, I'll be back to fix it" Mike said as he walked out the door to see Caleb playing air guitar.

+Time skip+

"Come with me Mike" Jimmy said as he walked out the door.

"Where we headed" Mike asked as he followed Jimmy

"To murder some BP company men" Jimmy said as he put on his helmet " Say Mike, you brush your teeth this morning?" Jimmy asked

"Yes sir"

"Did you floss?"

"Uh, no no, why?"

"Save ya a lot of pain and money I'll tell you that" Jimmy said

Caleb come up behind Mike with Shawn and Tyson and they wait at the door with Mike as Jimmy goes in.

"Shit some BP shits about to go down" Mike said Sounding excited

"They went then home without doing shit. That's bad really bad, I'm so ready for this" Caleb said

Suddenly the door pops open and Jimmy is standing there " hey what's the matter, you owe them a lot of money? Come on Mike stay on my hip" Jimmy said and then him and Mike left.

"Damn you people like drama" Simon said

"Well yah we had to live in a oil rig for most of the year it does that to you" Mike said

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