🖤𝕎𝕙𝕠 𝕜𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕕 ℂ𝕙𝕚𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕠?🖤

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~Ishimaru's POV~

Everything stopped as I saw my friend hanging lifelessly by the hands by an extension cord. I couldn't believe my eyes. Who would do something so Cruel?


I stare at Churhiro's dead body. Naegi seemed to be in just as much shock as I was. His eyes wider than a full moon.

"h-how...how did this happen?!" He looked horrified.

As everyone else pilled into the room I started to feel as if none of this is real.

No, this is real.
I just don't want to accept it.

"Aye, Ishimaru you okay?"

I peel my eyes away from the crime scene in front of me to meet the eyes of my crush.

Yes you heard me, my crush.

"U-UM- yes I'm okay but I don't know who would do this...why did this have to happen..."

He looks at the body and shock and anger takes over his face.

"Whoever did this to her is gonna pay." He says in such a angered tone. I felt almost intimidated myself.

Me, Chihiro, and Mondo were just starting to get close..before any of this happend..EsPeicIally with Mondo. After the whole Sauna thing I've become fond of the biker.

But of course, we didn't have time to think about him. Not right now. We have to figure out who killed my friend.

~The Class trial~

Everyone was pointing it twoards Mondo. But I couldn't believe that. No, I'm not going to believe it. I know he wouldn't kill her.

"Guys, are you seriously gonna believe that Lier!? Sh*t you really think I'd kill my own friend?" moNdos began to look nervous, but I still had faith in him.

"Don't listen to them Kyoudai! There must be something else that proves your inno-" I began to talk but got cut off by a sharp voice.

"All the evidence leads up to you Owada. What are you gonna say? Tell us why you killed her! Did you want to sacrafice us to save yourself? Tell me."
Byakuya was speaking with such confidence I didn't know how to counteract.

"Well! I'd say it's time to put in your votes!"
I heard Monokuma's voice, his words pericing my ears and making my eyes go wide.

"Ready to go to hell? You killer?"  I hear byakuya say but right before anyone could put their votes in I heard a voice from across of me.

"No that's wrong!"

Naegi pulled out a shard of a crystal ball covered in Chihiro's blood.

"Yasuhiro- this is your crystal ball, correct?"
My hopes began to rise as Yasuhiro began to panic.

"W-WHAT? Why would I? Leon destoryed mine remember? With u-um the incinerator-"

Yasuhiro tried to explain himself but failed once Naegi asked him to open his  jakcet.

He became anxious as he opened it and several balls were found.

Naegi began to say a lot more evidence than he had for Mondo. I saw byakuyas'face become sour as Toko switched to Genocide Jill.

"WELLLL LOOKS LIKE SOMEBODY GOT EXPOSED!" she laughed as her tounge hanged out and everyone was now suspicious of Yasuhiro.

I looked to Mondo to see him more calm. I didn't notice I was staring until he looked over at me instead of the others bickering and gave me a light smile.

Man, the things a smile could do to my heart.

I felt my face heat up and I turned my face back to the current situation. No, this isn't the time to be gay.


Everyone sadly took their vote as it showed up as Yasuhiro on the screen.

"N-no- this was a big misunderstanding please I'm innocent!-"
Yasuhiro pleaded. I felt so terrible yet so relieved.

"WELLLL the security cameras say otherwise! You guys voted correctly! You know what time it is??? ITS PUNISHMENT TIME!"

Monokuma pressed the button.

Yasuhiro began to back up as he was dragged into the room he would be punished in.

Everyone looked utterly terrified as we all stood together and watched yasuhiro got needles stuck into his skin and a weird green liquid pushed into his veins.

"P-PLEAse...." His voice began to fade as his face turned green.

I began to feel guilty. Is it bad I'm glad it was him?

Not that I wanted him to die..but he was the one who proves Mondo's Innocence.

I began to feel tears stream down my face out of guilt. It gets to the point I'm sobbing into my hands until my face felt numb.

I thought I was alone, that Everyone around me was going downhill..

Until I felt a warm hand wrap around my shoulder and into someone's collarbone. Based on the fact it smelt like oil...I knew it was Mondo.

My eyes widened as he began to stroke my hair.

"It'll be okay, he's in a better place now" he said as he nuzzled his face into my hair.

I buried my head into his shoulder with a flustered face as I saw Yasuhiro's body drop dead to the floor.

But little did Mondo know is that I wasn't crying because Yasuhiro was dead.

No, I was crying because Mondo wasn't the one who died. That I wasn't gonna be alone again.

Even though one of my friends died today, even though a former student just got killed in front of me...

At least your not the one who's dead, Mondo

~Authors Note~

A H okay This is my first fanfic- and I know it's not as good as other fanfics but I'm trying! A lot of it doesn't make sense now but I'll try to make more sense of the situation later in the story and more interactions between Mondo and Ishimaru since Mondo didn't die.

【What If It Was Different?  (Ishimondo and Naegami Story)】Where stories live. Discover now