♠️𝔻𝕖𝕒𝕥𝕙 𝕒𝕟𝕕 ℂ𝕠𝕟𝕗𝕖𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤♠️

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~Ishimaru's POV~

I stood in Mondo's arms in complete panic.

Who died this time?

I take a shaky breath and try to part my ways with Mondo before being pulled into a even tighter hug.


"I can tell your freaked out. So calm down a little before we go see what happend, yeah?" Mondo says before giving my head a little pat and he flashed me with his charming grin, he's being so gentle with me it's making me want to explode with gay-

Haha what an I talking about I'm not gay- right?

My face grows even redder for some reason and my heart began to quicken as I hide my face in my hands. "Y-yeah your probably right..."

Mondo continues to as we hug for another couple of minutes, no one coming to tell us what happend yet.

As the minutes pass I eventually let go and shyly back away from Mondo, calmer now

"ah yes! Now let's go see what has happened to our fellow classmates!" I put my normal Hall Moniter persona back on and walk out the door.

"Yeah yeah let's go you little sh*t" he says as he father's himself together and we walk down the hall.

"Mondo! Cussing isn't welcome in a school enviormen-"

I stop in my tracts as I hear screaming from upstairs.

"Was that Hina?!" Mondo Suddenly picked up the pace and we were both running now.

As we went to the door we saw Hina with a terrifIed look and the other examining the body of..


I look as blood trailed down Hifumis head and Celeste trying to console Hina as she tries to see if he's still breathing, though We all know there's no way he's alive after that.

"Oh hey guys, what took so long?" Makoto turns to us, trying to put on a happy face but it clearly wasn't working.

I mean another one of our comrades is dead...how could anyone be happy?

"We...that's not the concern at the moment! Are you investigating Hifumis body?" I stand in shock as Mondo just stared at the body, not really having a reaction. It kind of worried me since he's usually really loud and would be cussing out whoever did this to him, but he didn't really like Hifumi int he first place which might explain it.

"Yeah, me and byakuya got this, I think kyoko and Sakura went to go investigate the other areas and Celeste took Hina to the nurses because she almost collapsed- Sakura wanted to go with her but Celeste insisted." Makoto explained as Byakuya eyed him.

"O-oh I see so I guess We'll go investigate as well! We will return shortly!" I took Mondo's hand and turned to leave.

I turn my face to see Mondo looking rather flustered..odd?

~Mondo'd POV~

I silently stared at the death scene of hifumi, I felt.. strange. Like I wasn't sorry for him. Man I knew I was an a*s but I didn't know I was this much of an-

Ishimaru suddenly took my hand in his as we walk away. HES HOLDING MY HAND HES H O L D I N G M Y H A N D.

I behind to internally panic as ishimaru walked as if this was normal.

As my walking slows he turns probably nothing how silent I am and gives me a concerned look, still holding my hand.

"Hm? Kyoudai what is the matter?" He tilits his head, dammit why's he gotta look so cute...with his sparkling eyes looking up at me...the way he just makes my heart go fdjnjfudhdhieh. I admit it. I love this idiot.

"I...taka I gotta tell ya somethin'...." I sigh and take both his hands in mine, only did he realize then that he was holding onto mine the whole time.

"O-oh Mondo..I'm terribly sorry I didn't mean to!-" he trailed off, I was about to stop him but..

The thing behind him beat me to it.

I gasp as it bonks taka on the head, it all flashed by me so fast it didn't feel real...

"TAKA?! GODDAMMIT WHOEVER DID THAT IS GONNA PAY! YA HERE ME?!" I glared at the figure as it stomped away and I returned my focus down to taka, tempted to go after it but realizing taka is more important right now.

Taka was half consious, but he wasn't hurt to badly suprisingly..but still out of it. I sighed in relief to see the injury wasn't to bad. I picked taka up in my arms and blindly walked around to try and find the nurse's office.

I heard Celestes voice in the room as I entered the room.

Hina and Celeste both gasp as they see taka in the condition he's in.

"WHAAAAA! IS TAKA OKAY?! OLEASE TELL ME HES OKAY I XJJXXHHXHD" Hina screeched as she lept up, better from before and ran twoards us.

"Woah there fish breasts! Be careful..and I think he'll be aight'..jus gotta fix up his head a bit." I sigh as I look down to see taka clingy to me, his blood getting on my jacket.

Celeste turns her head and speaks in her regular monotone voice "ah...I see. Well, I will be taking my leave. Hina, I suggest you go back to Sakura for she is looking for you."

She stands up walking out in her normal classy fashion.

"Oh okay...well! Update me on Taka once you guys can!" Hina walks out right behind Celeste.

I try to set ishimaru on his bed but he won't move from where he's attached to me, he's basically death gripping my jacket...

I try but fail and settle on placing the smaller ultimate on my lap. He reluctantly sits there as I take the first aid kit from the side and begin disinfecting the wound and patching it up so the blood flow would stop.

"Dammit Taka... Please be okay..." I pull Taka close to me as I breath in his scent.

For the past few minutes it felt like time stopped, as if I was clutching a dead body in my arms.

The only reason I Know he's not dead is the faint breath of the ravenette on my neck.

So, I started talking to him.. thinking he was asleep.

"Taka...I know you can't hear this right now..but...I love you...and not just that love that Bros do- I mean you are my bro tho! The broiest of Bros in that fact...but...I have this weird a*s feeling around you! It's..I dunno how to explain it..I just love everything bout you. Your cute a** look you have when your passionate..that amazing smile. I don't know what it is but..I wanna kiss you-" I was cut off by a light chuckle.

Oh sh**.


My eyes widen as I look down to clearly enough see Taka's eyes focused on me, with that smile I adore..

"Mondo..I love you too"

~Authors Note~


THIS ISNT EDITED- sO if there's mistakes please tell me so I can fix them! And I tried really hard to write this before Thursday soOOo I'm sorry if it looks rushed!

【What If It Was Different?  (Ishimondo and Naegami Story)】Where stories live. Discover now