the project part 2

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Addison's POV


I was with the group at lunch and was looking around for Bryce. he normally sits with me on Mondays so I was confused. I looked over to where the football team was and there I saw him sitting on the table as they all crowded around him. I was about to get up and go to him but then I saw the same damn girl as they talked and he had his arm round her shoulder. I just turned back to the group as I felt myself start to crumble inside but kept it together on the outside.

"okay so we should work on the project today at one of our houses" charli said taking me out of my thoughts "ugh yeah sure, we can go to mine but at 4:00 my parents will be home and are having friends over from work so we'll need to go somewhere else" I said. "I guess we can go to mine after, plus I can make dixie actually help" charli suggested. "wait but isn't dixie having someone over" I say remembering that she said it before school. "shit I forgot. umm I'll just tell her they need to be gone before 4:00" "okay" Avani and I said.

charli then starts waving at someone to come over here and I turn and see dixie walking over. I roll my eyes and look back down at my food. "hey dix can you not have whoever you're fucking over at 4:00? we want to work on the project at our house" charli bluntly said and I look up to see what Dixies reaction would be. "sure I only really need 5 minutes but sure" she smirked. "dixie!" charli said annoyed. "chill char, I'm only joking... kinda" she smirked and walked away.

"ugh I'm so tired of her doing this, I want my old sister back" charli says and looks down sadly "wait what do you mean by the old sister? when was she different?" I ask now confused. "she used to be so sweet, nice, innocent, and happy, but now she's just- well you know." "what happened?" I ask feeling bad for her. "our parents left us for their job and because of that she turned to her girlfriend at the time for comfort but I guess her now ex didn't like that and she left her too. so now she's cold and distant to everyone except me sometimes" charli said and looked back to her food "I'm sorry char, you both shouldn't have to deal with that" she just shrugged her shoulders "it's fine, it's normal to me now". thankfully no one else in our group was paying attention to us.

the bell rung and we threw away our garbage and headed to our next few classes. the last bell rung meaning we can now go home. I headed to the car and only see Avani waiting at it. "where's char" I ask as I unlock the car and we get in. "no idea" she shrugged. we wait for 5 more minutes then see her walking to the car. as soon as she got in we started questioning her at the same time "yo calm down guys. one at a time please" we all laughed "guys I was just talking to my teacher about dixie because she skipped her class last Friday" charli said clearing up things. "okay" I simply said and we now headed to my house.

we got to my house but we did pick chick-fil-a on the way and we were now sitting on the floor eating on the coffee table in my living room. "avani are you okay?" I ask because she looks like she's about to fall asleep and land on her fries. "hmm? yeah just tired" "what did you do last night" I laughed seeing her so tired. "I was just out late with a friend" she says as she tried to sit up straight "who" charli chirped in looking kinda mad. "chill char it's just an old friend" avani tried to reassure her but charli didn't by it. "you sure because my sister was out all night last night too" charli said angrily. "no charli it was just an old friend. why would I even be with your sister" avani said staying calm. "wellll then umm lets not fight and start on the project or just chill and watch Netflix and start it at your house" I say trying to break the tension. "lets just watch Netflix" charli muttered.

time skip to the damelio house

It was now 4:00 and we just pulled into the driveway "damn got here exactly at 4:00" I smile. the tension was still there but not as much. I don't know why charli was even this mad. "yeah" they both muttered out. we walked up to the front door but before charli could open it it swung open. a girl from the cheer team walks out and gives us a shy smile and walks away to her car. we look back to the door and see dixie with a blank face and turn around going back into the house. we all walk in and I shut the door. "dixie what the fuck I told you we would be here at 4:00 so why was she now just leaving" charli yelled "sorry she had to come later then I expected so it's not me fault" dixie yelled back "you could just not fuck every girl you see" charli spat back. "whatever I'm going to my room" dixie said as she walked up the stairs. "no you're going to come help with this project" charli demanded "I'll come find you guys in a little" dixie said and kept walking to her room. 

"well then" I said to break the tension once again. "let's just go to my room" charli muttered and started walking to her room. we started the project and the tension thankfully started to break and we started laughing as we continued. "hey adds can you go get some coloured pencils" charli asked "yeah sure, where are they" I ask getting of the bed "in Dixies room." "ugh yeah I guess" I said but on the inside I was basically screaming FUCK NO FUCK NOOOO. 

I walk over to her room and see that it was slightly open so I push it open and there laid dixie with her hand in the boxers that she was wearing and was clearly fingering herself by the look on her face and the movement in her boxers "shit" I said and covered my eyes "dude what the fuck are you doing in here" she shout whispered at me "I-I just need some coloured pencils" I say still covering my eyes "you sure you didn't just want to watch me pleaser myself? oh and you can stop covering your eyes" I peeked threw my fingers and saw her just sitting at the edge of her bed looking at me so I dropped my hands "why would I want to watch and didn't you literally hookup with someone" "yeah but I'm the one who's pleasuring them, you should let me try it on you" she smirked and bit her lower lip "I-I nope" I said flustered and turned around going back to charli's room.

I walk into the room and they look up at me confused "she didn't umm have any" I quickly said and sat down on the bed. then there was a quick knock, I look up and make eye contact with dixie "you forgot these" she said holding up the pencils. shit.



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