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A/N Hell time buddies ;)

Addison's POV

we quickly crash through her front door and she slams me against it without breaking the kiss. she threw off her jacket as our tongues fought as she firmly pressed me against the door with her body. her left hand held my wrist up above my head as the other gripped onto my thigh as she held it up against her waist as we madeout.

she picked me up and i wrap my legs around her waist. she pushed me against the door again and trailed kisses down my jaw to my neck, she removed the hand that was holding my left thigh and moved it to my ass. she found my sweet spot on my neck and sucked harshly at it and squeezed my ass at the same time. i threw my head back against the door and moaned loudly.

she squeezed my ass harder after she heard my moan. it lit a fired inside me. i remove my right arm from around her neck and pull her face up by her chin. i smashed my lips to hers and i was the one that slipped my tongue into her mouth.

i took control not because i wanted too. it was because i needed too. i had to have her lips against mine again. her lips felt so perfect against mine and i needed them as if they were a drug to me.

she control again as she slipped her tongue into my mouth. she started walking us to the stairs as we continued to kiss. she started walking up the stairs as if its nothing. how strong is this girl. she picked me up and held me as if i was nothing to her.

we crashed through her bedroom door and she kicked it closed. no one else was home but it still made us feel better that it's closed. she laid me on the bed as she came with me making sure she didn't brake the kiss as she hovered above me. she disconnected our lips and i opened my eyes. her chains hung making her look 10x hotter if thats even possible.

her hand went to the heme of my shirt but i quickly stop her. her hand quickly moved away and she look at me concerned. "i- i'm.. a virgin" i say shyly and looked to the side. i felt her hand on my chin and she turn my face to look at her. she smiles at me sweetly. "i know" she says and kisses my cheek.

i looked at her confused but then i remember when her and bryce got into that one argument he screamed "she's just a stupid virgin" at dixie before she punched him. i look back into her eyes "bryce" i said softly. she nodded and softly kissed me. "we don't have to do it if you're not ready adds" "no, no i want you and have been craving you this whole week" i quickly say.

she smiles at me and smashes her lips to mine again. i quickly kiss back and i throw my right hand into her hair. she started kissing down my jaw going on the other side from where there's defiantly a hickey. she went to my neck and found another sweet spot and sucked at it harshly. my mouth hung open as i threw my head back a let out soft moans.

her hand goes back to the heme of my shirt and i sit up and she lifts it up over my head. she tossed it to the side and she let her eyes roam my body for the first time. the other time she saw me shirtless was when i went off on her and yelled at her to fuck me but she never actually looked and made sure she kept eye contact with me.

i started to feel a little shy and went to her shirt but she quickly grabbed my hand. i look up to her confused and i could see she was scared and uncentered. thats when i remember that she normally doesn't take her shirt off when she's with someone.

my face softens "i want to see them"i softly say and caress her cheek. she sighed and sat up still straddling my legs. she slid her shirt off revealing her abs and scars. she threw it to the side and looked down shyly. i run my hand over her abs and traced the scars. i look to meet her eyes but i see her still looking away scared. "dixie" i say and she looks to me "you're beautiful" i say and trace one of her scars again. "so are you gorgeous" she smiled down at me.

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