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Addisons POV

"hey baby, we need to get up. baby?" I hear dixie say as she starts slightly shaking me awake. I stretch a little and look up at her with a tired smile "why do we need to get up? you're comfortable" I say and shove my face into her neck and tighten my grip on her.

"school just ended so we need to go home. I need to bring you to your house" she says softy as she starts to stroke my hair softly "mmm fine, but can you stay with me at my house?" I ask as I start to lift myself off of her "yes but if avani is able to track the phone then that means I'll need to leave" she says as she gets up collecting our stuff.

she hands me my backpack and after I put it on she wrapped her arms around my neck and we headed to her car. "what are we gonna do about detention tomorrow?" I ask as we enter her car. "umm go?" she chuckles "well no shit" I laugh. "I mean we have practice tomorrow so does that mean we miss it?" "no because the person that watches us during it is my coach so that means it'll be after practice so we should be good" she says and I sigh in relief.

we get to my house and head to the front door. as I was about to unlock it it swings open. I see my mom with crossed arms as she glares at dixie and I. "umm whats up mom?" I ask hesitantly. "both of you in the office now" she demands.

I look back at dixie and see her as scared as I am. we walk to the office and once we're in there my mom locks the door behind us. we sit down on the couch that is in there and my mom sits in the office chair and faces is.

"so your principle called" she states and I can hear the disappointment in her voice. "umm mom I can expl-" I start to panic but my mom cuts me off "why didn't you tell me you like girls?" my mom says sounding hurt. "umm I think I should go" dixie says and goes to get off the couch "sit down Dixie" my mom orders and dixie sits back down looking at the ground.

"mom I- I honestly just found out myself" I say and let out a sigh "dixie helped me realise I don't just like guys. I think I honestly like girls more then guys now" I tell her and she nods her head okay but looks away from me.

"do you hate me?" I ask hesitantly. my mom quickly looks back to me in shock "Addison baby of course I don't, I'll always love you no matter what and I fully accept you. it's just that.. I don't know how your father will react to this and I don't want his opinion to hurt you. also It's kinda a relief knowing that you won't be able to get pregnant." she laughs at the last part causing me to smile.

"thank you mom" I say and stand up. she stands up to and we hug "I'm proud of you" I hear her whisper in my ear causing me to finally feel relaxed not feel like I'm hiding something. once we pull away she moves her attention to dixie "so are you two together?" my mom ask causing both dixie and I to smile.

"yes Mrs. Easterling, I asked Addison to be my girlfriend the other day" dixie tells my mom causing her to smile "good, I'm glad to hear. I expect you to treat her right Dixie. I know about your reputation and I'm hesitant about it but I'm trusting my daughters choice so please let her be right about you" my mom says causing dixie to bite her lip and look away nervous.

"Mrs. Easterling I promise to take care of your daughter and make sure to never hurt her" dixie says as she stands up and bring out her hand to shake my moms. she goes and shakers her hand but brings dixie and a hug "please call me Shari" my mom says and dixie smiles and looks to me "of course shari" dixie says and they brake apart.

"mom is it possible that dixie could start sleeping here since her parents are never home?" I ask my mom hesitantly and pout trying so persuade her to say yes. "where does charli stay?" my mom ask as she starts to think about it "she stays with avani, their together now" dixie says before I can.

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