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Addison's POV

I wake up to the sound of my alarm. I stretch my arms out and grab my phone trying to turn it off without opening my eyes. I turn over and open my eyes to look at dixie but she wasn't there. I look to see if she was in the bathroom but the door was open and the light was off.

she wouldn't go out off my room and wonder my house would she? if she did that would be stupid since if she got caught I'd get my ass yelled at and grounded. I reach for my phone again and as I do I get a message. I look and see Dixies name.

Dixie: hey babygirl hope you slept good. I left a little early because my clothes were still in the car. come across the street to the park once you're done getting ready. we can get food and pick up my annoying sister and avani.

Addison: morning and that was probably the best I've ever slept. I'm going to quickly get ready and come out <3

I text her and go get clothes to change into. I quickly change and put some makeup on and head out to the park. I see her in her jeep and get in on the passenger side. "hey princes" "hi" I smile back and she leans towards me and kisses me sweetly. 

"what was that for" I smile big and I feel my cheeks start to burn. "what I need a reason to kiss my girlfriend?" she says as she focuses on backing out and driving to go get avani and charli. "no but I just never pictured you as the romantic type, I mean I never even pictured you as the relationship type" I say honestly "mmm yeah honestly me too, its been awhile since I've been with someone and I didn't think I ever would be again but theres just something about you that I can't resist" she smirks at the last part causing me to blush again.

we shortly get to avani's and see her and charli come out and make their way to the car. I see dixie tense up at the sight of charli. I grab her hand and squeeze as reassurance. I know what charli said to her really hurt her, I'm not exactly sure how much it hurt but her tensing up shows a lot.

they both get in and avani says hi but charli stays silent and looks out the window. we go to dunkin and all get coffee and something to eat. charli said thank you but thats it and went back to being silent as we head to school.

we get to school and meet up with the others. we all act like normal except this time dixie is staying with us and our pinkies are connected again since she can't hold my hand. I'm not ready to come out and thankfully she understands.

not long after the bell goes off and we all head to class. I had English first so that means I'm still with dixie, avani, and charli so I'm happy. I normally sit across from dixie but since charli and her are in a fight dixie is sitting next to me and avani while charli is across from her. I'm definitely not complaining since I get to sit next to my girlfriend and the thought of her being mine makes my heart start to race.

as class went on we mostly did the project but it was kinda annoying since charli refused to talk to dixie and same way around. they literally had avani talk to the other so that they wouldn't talk to each other. then they got in a fight and used avani as the translator even more as if were in kindergarten. 

I start getting annoyed by their childish behaviour so I get closer to dixie and place my hand on her thigh. she instantly stops and looks down at my hand then to me. I mouth 'stop' but she just bites her lips and stares at mine. "dixie-" I was about to scold her but the bell rings.

charli quickly leaves and avani quickly says bye to us so she can run after her. dixie and I start to head out and normally I walk with Bryce but now I have dixie walking me to my next class even though it'll probably cause her to be late.

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