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(Y/N) POV:

It was just another day in Musutafu, I was walking around the city until I heard someone crying in a alleyway. Due to me having some sympathy, I go to see if they were okay. I come across a girl about my age sitting with her head on her knees.

''Hey are you okay?'' I ask.

She starts to laugh and then gets up and slashes a knife at me. I nearly dodge as I almost get cut by the knife, I was caught off guard. I continue to dodge her knife until I feel something hit the back of my neck.

I fall to the ground and my eyes start to close but before they do I hear her voice say,

"Yay! We got him, Tomura is going to be so happy!"

She kneels in front of me and waves.

"Night Night!" She says before she stands up and kicks me in the face, knocking me out completely.

My eyes slowly start to open, I wake up in a restraint chair and as I look around I see that I am in a bar.

"Uggghhh my head."

I see a man with blue hair and a hand on his face sitting down on a bar stool. I also see someone that looks like they're made out of purple mist with yellow eyes, wearing a suit standing behind the counter.

''Where the hell am I? And who are you?'' I asked the hand face guy.

''You're in our hideout, and my name is Tomura Shigaraki.''

''So you're the person that girl from the alley mentioned.''

''That's right and we brought you here because we you need to join the League of Villains.''

''Why would I do anything like that?'' I ask.

''Because people like you will fit in our league and can benefit by joining. Plus, your quirk can be very useful.''

I thought about it for a minute and I wasn't really a hero or villain, I usually just use my quirk to defend myself.

''What's your motive?'' I ask him.

''Our goal is really just to destroy this rotten society and kill the symbol of peace'' He says.

''What do I get out of this?''

''You sure like to ask a lot of questions I see'' The purple mist man said.

''What's your name?'' I ask him.

''Just call me Kurogiri.''

''Let's just say that you won't have to worry about only using your quirk for self defense."

Before I could ask what he meant by that, the door beside me opened and entered a guy about in his 20s with black hair, patches on his face, piercings and a jacket and a blonde hair girl with messy buns, a sweater over a school girl outfit and eyes with slits in them. The blonde girl turned to me and smiled.

''Hi!'' She said cheerfully.

''You're that girl from the alley who tried to kill me!'' I yell.

''Yep and my name is Toga, Himiko Toga and I like to see people bleed!''

Is she crazy?

''Maybe I should cut you, you would look so much cuter if you bled a little!''

A chill went down my spine.

''Hey Crazy you know we need him alive right?" Said the man with patches.

''Shut up Dabi, I know that I'm not gonna kill him'' She said pouting.

So his name is Dabi and her name is Toga.

''Hey Shigaraki I still have one more question'' I say as he turns to me.

''What happens if I don't join?'' I ask.

''Well.....let's just say it won't end well for you if you refuse'' He says in a dark tone.

My heart dropped when he said that. Shigaraki gets up from his seat.

''Kurogiri, Dabi, I need to talk to you about something outside this room for a minute.''

''Can I come too Tomura?'' Toga asks.

''No, we need you to stay with him in case he tries anything ok? Oh and don't untie him until we come back and he makes his decision and make sure he doesn't leave this room.''

As they walk out Toga just pouts and sits on a bar stool.

''Can you untie me now?'' I ask her.

''Nope" She gets up from the stool.
"But...'' She pulls out her knife. ''I want to ask you some questions.''

''This isn't going to end well for me is it?'' I say quietly.

A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter, let me know if I made any grammar mistakes or punctuation errors.

Blood and Bruises (Himiko Toga x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now