Attack on the Training Camp pt.1

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A/N: This is gonna have two parts to this, I have been writing this chapter for a while and I decided I don't want it to all be one chapter.

(Y/N) POV:

I just ordered some takeout and I didn't really do much for the rest of the day except watch television. I was cleaning my sword and I flipped through some channels until a news broadcast came up. There was a reporter at the mall.

"In recent news, pro hero Kenta Uriyama was found dead here a few hours ago by a couple of heroes. Apparently he was beat up badly and stabbed in the arm before being slashed in the throat. The two suspects names are unknown but they are a male and a female. If you see any of these two or recognize them, please contact the police immediately."

I turn the TV off and I just smirk.

"These guys really think that they can stop us. Well they're in for a surprise tomorrow."

I put my sword back in my cover and head to the bathroom. I showered and then went to bed. A few hours later, I woke up in the middle of the night feeling sick. I went to the bathroom again and sat in front of the toilet.

Was it something I ate? Or could it be...I then threw up but it wasn't chunks of food, it was blood, a lot of it. All the water in the toilet was filled with it.

"The hell? Why didn't this happen earlier?"

Whatever it was, I didn't have time to think about it. I flushed the toilet, drunk some water and went back to sleep. I woke up the next morning and was still half-asleep but I had to get up. I looked at the time and realized that I was going to be late.

"Oh no."

I got out of bed quickly and put on a hoodie, shorts and sneakers. I teleported out of my apartment and appeared outside. I then made my way to the warehouse.

"Well this is the place."

I came upon an old building that had a sliding door. I opened the door and walked inside. It was dark and I could see 4 people looking at me. One was a man standing with a cloak around him and a kid about my age sitting on some crates.

There was also Dabi, the guy I met before who was standing on a crate. I also saw Toga, my girlfriend who was smiling at me.

She came running at me. "(Y/N)!"

I closed the door and she wrapped around me with a hug.

"I knew you would show up!"

"Oh really?"

"Aren't you that teleporting brat from the mall?" I hear a voice say.

"Do you have a problem with me?"

"Yeah your quirk makes me sick! You quirk freak!"

Quirk freak? What?

"Leave him alone. You're just jealous that his quirk is better than your sorry one" Toga says to him.

"What did you say!?"

"This arguing is getting me fired up!" I hear the mysterious man say.

"Can you guys shut the hell up? You all are starting to get on my nerves" Said Dabi.

"Sorry Dabi" Toga says to him.

"Hey (Y/N)."

I turn to him. "Yeah?"

"You weren't here when I explained the details to them so I'll say it again."


"We'll meet at the mountain cliff tonight, on my signal I'll set the forest on fire and you guys will rush in and attack."

Blood and Bruises (Himiko Toga x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now