One Quirk Gone

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(Y/N) POV:

It seems like Shigaraki was finally becoming a better leader, it's about time. We were escorted by some Yakuza member in a white cloak to the Shie Hassaikai headquarters that were underground, where we met Overhaul and all his main followers in his office. On a side note I didn't even want to be here.

"Alright introduce yourselves" Overhaul said.

"My name is Toga and I was told to come here, Hiya."

"How's it going? My name is (Y/N)" I say in a monotone voice."

"Long time no see bird man, be warned I'll never forgive you. So happy to be on the team!"

"Wonderful" Overhaul replied.

"The League of Villains? This is perfect, let's brawl!" The large man with a tattered shirt said.

"I'll kill you!" Twice said.


"Yeah, no thanks" Toga said.

"Sorry about the whole Magne thing, it's unfortunate I didn't wanna kill him."

"You mean her!" Twice corrects him.

"Don't make that mistake again" Toga said coldly.

"Anyway, this is no time to be holding grudges against each other, we're on the same team now, I want your help with my plan."

"Bastard, you tried to play it cool the first time we met too, like you don't care about anything! So what are my orders?"

"Just follow my orders like everyone else in the organization, but first things first, I want the details of your quirks it'll be easier for us to work together if I fully understand what you can do."

"I think I'll tell you about my powers when you need to know about them, oh and just so we're clear, I still don't like you people."

"She's right, I don't have to tell you anything."

"So much for making a good impression, don't underestimate the YAKUZA!!" The small guy in the black suit yelled.

"I agree with Toga, we'll tell you when we feel like it, won't get nothing out of me, no way, my lips are sealed."

"What is your quirk?" The man with a black cape asked.

"I can make doubles of anything for it to work I need a precise image in my head. Yep! That means height, chest measurement, and shoe size if it's a person you name it, I need it, gotta have as much info as possible, only then I can make one thing into two. The main difference between the doubles and the main thing is durability, they just kinda melt if they're knocked around too much. I can make doubles of up to two things at once, the damage and object it can take is even lower. Also for personal reasons I refuse to make copies of myself got it!?"

He put the measuring tape back in his wrists and me and Toga just stared at him.

"Huh? What just happened? It's like I couldn't stop the words from coming."

"Wow that was pretty stupid."

"It wasn't me Toga I swear!"

"You wanna tell them your whole history too? Jeez, now I feel dumb for being secretive" I said.

"And you?" He asked her.

"If I drink someone's blood I can turn into them."

"Here we go" I said facepalming.

"Whatever I take in turns into energy so the more I drink, the longer I can hold onto the form. 1 cup lets me look and sound like someone for about a day, plus if I drink a bunch of different people's blood at the same time I can turn into any of them! I can recreate their clothes too, but they get layered under my own so it helps to get naked before I transform which can be a little embarrassing sometimes."

Blood and Bruises (Himiko Toga x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now