Temp Squad

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(Y/N) POV:

We walked through the long underground corridor, our job was to kill any heroes that were trying to stop Overhaul. We were also forced to work alongside Irinaka or Mimic as they call him. Toga started walking beside me.

"Hey (Y/N) can I ask you a question?"

"What's up?"

"What's your goal?"

"My goal?" I asked confused.

"Yeah, you know your own personal goal."

"Didn't you already ask me that a while back?"

"No, back then you only told me the reason you joined the League, not your goal."

"Oh, well I don't have any particular goal but I guess my goal is to help the League. Why?"

"Just wondering."

We continued walking until I heard some noises.

"Toga wait."


"There's people nearby."

"What do we do?" Twice asked.

"Just follow my lead."

I walked slowly while Toga and Twice followed behind me. We creeped up on 3 policeman and easily took care of them. Me and Toga slit their throats and Twice takes care of things on his end.

"Let's hurry before any heroes catch up to Overhaul."

Luckily, there were only a small amount of policeman we killed along the way. We came across some destroyed walls, apparently Mimic was trying to block the heroes from going any further.

"They should be around here somewhere."

"Oh I know, let's ambush them!" Toga suggested.

"May be a little risky but I like it, what's your plan?"

"Well Jin can make a clone of me to sneak up on one of the heroes and take them out and then we'll kill all the rest."

"Sounds wearisome but ok."

"I also measured one of Overhaul's henchmen Rappa, so he'll be able to help us out too."

"Fine then."

Twice made a clone of Toga and she put on her gear.

"Ok, you guys ready?"

They nod in response. Me and Toga walked towards the large wall in front of us.

"Now how are we gonna get-"

Mimic lifted up the wall revealing another entrance.

"Thank you, I guess" I said surprised.

We slowly took a few steps up and when we turned the corner, we saw a pro hero by himself.

"You want this one?" I asked.

"Sure babe!"

She pulled out her knife and snuck behind him. She jumped at him, trying to stab him.

"Who the?" The pro turned around.

She stabs him through his hand, but he uses his quirk to lock her in place.

"You're with the League aren't ya?"

He punched Toga, but she turns out to be just a clone. Wait so that was not the real Toga I was with just now? She must've found another entrance to attack him from. The real Toga quietly wraps herself around his back.

Blood and Bruises (Himiko Toga x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now