Chapter 2: Invitation

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~A helping hand comes in many forms, some stranger than others~

“Dad, I have a question,”

The Hudson-Hummel household was at Breadstix that night, having their usual Friday night dinner. Burt was home from D.C and Carole thought it might be nice to have their usual dinner again after three weeks of not having them. Kurt had agreed whole-heartedly. Finn merely tagged along because, hey, who wants to ignore free food at a rather fancy restaurant?

Burt, who was about to take a bite from his sirloin steak, looked at his son with a vaguely curious expression. “Shoot,”

“Say you dislike someone,” Kurt began slowly. “-and you found out that the person is in trouble. It isn’t any of your concern but that person really needs help,” he paused. “But that person insisted that help it not needed,” he added as an afterthought. “What would you do?”

“Shozn helshp that pershon jen,” Finn mumbled as he chewed his burger. At Carole’s disapproving look, Finn hastily swallowed, took a large gulp of his coke and turned to Kurt. “What I said was ‘Don’t help that person, then’”

“Why?” Kurt could not help but to ask.

“Dude, you dislike that person. And that person insisted on no help and it’s not like, it’s your concern, right? So I don’t see the point,” Finn explained with a tone that suggested that he was rather proud of his answer.

“So you wouldn’t help, say, Jesse St James if he got into, I don’t know, a gang fight and he’s dying, just because he went ‘I don’t need your help, Hudson’?” the countertenor shot back, for whatever reason he was not so sure of. Why was he suddenly annoyed? Finn looked at him with a rather startled expression.

“That’s….I don’t know,” he replied. “Would you?”

Before Kurt could answer, Burt cleared his throat. “What are you so worked up about this anyway, bud?” he asked gruffly. Kurt turned to his dad and bit his lip, his gaze sliding down to the table momentarily before lifting up to meet Burt’s.

“Have you watched the news earlier?” he asked.

Burt shook his head. “I was at the workshop the whole day. I hadn’t got time to even switch on the television,”

“Why, honey?” Carole interjected, setting down her fork. “Is there something wrong?”

Kurt sighed. “Do you all remember Sebastian Smythe?”

“That guy from the Warblers?” Finn asked. “Who tried to blackmail me?”

“Who nearly blinded Blaine?” Burt added.

“Do you only remember him because of his bad actions?” Kurt asked exasperatedly.

Burt and Finn looked at each other for a moment before turning to Kurt. “Pretty much,” they said in unison.

Kurt let out a breath before continuing. “Anyway, he was…involved in a car crash recently,” he said softly. “Actually, earlier today,”

“Oh,” A soft gasp could be heard. Heads turned to see Carole with a hand covering her mouth. Her eyes widened in surprise. “Of course,” she continued. “He was the boy from the news I watched today. He-he, got involved in a car accident, a-and his parents were killed, oh mygoodness,” She let out a shuddering breath. “The poor boy,”

Burt looked at his wife with concern. “His parents got killed?’

“Yes,” Carole nodded. “On the spot, actually. Their son managed to get away with a few causalities,” She turned to Kurt with a sad expression. “I didn’t know you two are friends,”

Of Wine and Coffee- A Kurtbastian Glee ficWhere stories live. Discover now