Chapter 17: Catalyst

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~A horrible memory might be a catalyst to something wonderful ~

The following Tuesday was a rather relaxing day for Kurt.

Burt and Carole were at work so the boys pretty much had the whole day for themselves. Since it was the beginning of summer, Finn thought it might be nice to hang out at the beach. Kurt had declined; his skin was over-sensitive enough as it is and he did not want to risk getting sunburn. Sebastian also opted to stay at home.

“I’m going to take a well-deserved snooze,” he said.

“Well-deserved?” Kurt’s tone was skeptical.

“Hanging out with you definitely deserves a nap right after,” Sebastian replied easily, a cocky grin gracing his handsome features. Kurt resisted the urge to kick him where he knew it would hurt.

Finn had been cool with it and decided to invite Mike, Artie (after the Rihanna song performance at the pool, Kurt had been wary of Artie being anywhere near water but Finn had insisted that he could take care of himself) and Puck instead. Three phone calls and an hour later, Finn was driving off with the three of them, while Kurt waved them goodbye at the porch.

He strode back into the house to find it oddly quiet. He glanced at his watch. 11.30 a.m. Sebastian could not have already gone to sleep, has he? He only woke up two hours ago! But sure enough, when he walked into the living room, Sebastian was sprawled on the sofa, with a pillow covering half of his face. His jaw was slack and his hand was half-gripping a remote control. The TV was still showing a movie. How Sebastian managed to sleep while the TV was still quite loud remained a mystery to Kurt.

He sighed before taking the remote control and switched off the TV. He took a wool blanket from one of the drawers pushed back against the wall and covered Sebastian’s form up until his shoulders. Smiling slightly, he walked out of the room and headed straight for the kitchen.

“I guess I’ll just start on lunch,” he muttered. Carole had left him a note on the fridge stating that the ingredients for lunch had been prepared and all Kurt had to do was to cook them. Burt had explained with a grunt that he would not be home for lunch that day and he was sure that Finn would just eat outside.

“I guess I’ll just make something simple,” Kurt said. Just as he was about to open the fridge, his phone rang. Raising an eyebrow, he took out his phone and checked the caller ID. It was none other than Blaine himself.

“Hello?” Kurt answered slightly warily.

Hey, Kurt!” Blaine’s cheerful voice drifted from the speaker.

“Hey, Blaine,” Kurt relaxed a bit, noticing that Blaine took no note of his initial wariness. Why washe wary, anyway? “How are you?”

Great! Are you free today?

“Um…I guess. Why?”

You still owe me a day at Lima Bean, you know,” Blaine reminded him.

Something clicked in Kurt’s head. “Oh, right. That day at the train station, I promised you that we’d hang out, didn’t I?”

Yep,” Kurt could practically hear the smile in Blaine’s voice. “I’m free for the whole day. Want to meet up at Lima Bean in an hour?

Kurt took a glance at the living room where Sebastian was currently sleeping and then to the note taped at the fridge. Take care of Sebastian while we’re gone, alright, boys? it reminded cheerfully, written in Carole’s loopy handwriting. He remembered Sebastian grumbling about it (“Damn it, I’m not 7,”) earlier and resisted the urge to snicker. But then again, Kurt did promised Blaine and he honestly did want to leave the house for a bit, but the thought of leaving Sebastian here alone did not quite settle nicely with Kurt for some reason.

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