• Birthday Celebration

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"Come on guys, hurry up! Cassandra might come any minute now." The girl with the brown hair's voice boomed across the room.

A hand tapped her shoulder making her turn her head around. "Uh, hey Sunshine, you might wanna calm down a bit," Eugene stated.

"I can't," Rapunzel said firmly, her hands full with tapestry. "This is Cassandra's birthday we're talking about and she's coming back to Corona just to celebrate." Her voice was filled with enthusiasm and panic at the same time. "What's her favorite color again?"

"Rapunzel, Cassandra doesn't have a favorite color." Eugene ananswered

The blonde dropped the tapestry that she's holding and facepalmed. "Oh right. But I still have to-" she continued to talk.

This time, Eugene grabbed Rapunzel's attention by grabbing her by both of her shoulders.

"Blondie, I'm pretty sure that Cassandra would appreciate all of this but-" he paused.

"But what?" She asked, confusion evident on her voice.

"But have you ever thought that Cassandra is not the type of person who would love a big fancy party?" He asked. Rapunzel froze but didn't say anything, making Eugene continue.

"I mean, just like what you've said. This is Cassandra's birthday. This is Cassandra we're talking about. The same girl who loves to fight and use swords." Eugene gave him an encouraging smile and tug his fiancee's lose hair behind her ears.

Eugene know how much Rapunzel would make a lot of effort just to welcome back her best friend and he, himself know that Cassandra would appreciate any effort she do.

Rapunzel let out a sigh. "I'm sorry," she started. "I just wanted to make everything extra special for her." She looked down. "After all that had happened. I wanted to show her how much I care for her. I wanted to show her how thankful I am that she's my best friend," she added.

"Hey, Blondie, don't worry. It's not yet too late. We still have time." He smiled.


"We're back." A wide smile spread across the girl's face as her owl let out a hoo in agreement.

It's been months since Cassandra step foot on Corona. A lot of things happened after the great battle against Zhan Tiri. She managed to travel in all the Seven Kingdoms and she could say that she learned a lot of things. Sure. Traveling to find your own destiny is not easy as it sounds but it was worth it. She's happy of what she's doing with her life now — no longer haunted by her past and the anger she once felt disappeared.

"Stan! Pete!" Cassandra raised her hand and waved at the two guards who were standing at the castle doors.

A wide grin appeared at their faces when they saw the person who called out to them. Without a second thought, they quickly opened the door for the lady.

"Cassandra, Welcome back! Happy birthday!" Stan greeted.

"Yeah, Happy birthday! We really missed you!" Pete stated with a smile.

Cassandra let out a chuckle. "Thanks. I missed you, too, guys."

After a fist bump and a short coversation for the both of them, Cassandra decided to enter the castle when Pete called out to her.

"Cass, before I forgot. Your father wanted to talk to you. He's at his old office right now." He reminded.

Cassandra smiled and nodded, "Alright. I'll be there."

Cassandra knew that there would be a big chance that her father would want to talk to her. After all, they didn't managed to talk about what happened before because she's still afraid that time. Betraying your friends and your kingdom is not something that someone could just talk to so casually.

Cassandra's Tangled Adventure • A Compilation of Cassandra One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now