Chapter 2: Stalker?

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-y/n's pov-

i clicked on the persons channel and noticed several minecraft videos.. i ended up deciding that i would watch a few of them out of curiosity; the first thing i noticed was the sweet, yet silly sound to his voice. i ended up watching tons of videos of him and became a fan of the entire dream team.
i wasn't rlly expecting to become a fan of a few minecraft channels cuz i never looked into the game or got extremely interested in it; i had played a few times as a child and i knew for a fact that it was a great game but as i got older, it didn't really stick around.

after several hours, i noticed i had been watching the dream team run around endlessly playing minecraft. it was difficult to stop, every video seemed to have an odd twist that made the game so much more interesting.. at least that's what i told myself when i found myself not being able to sleep that night; i kept thinking about sapnap's voice.. it's weird, but i couldn't stop my brain from thinking about this random man who plays minecraft.

obviously, i ended up overthinking way too much and just looked up whatever i could about him: his name is Nick, he's a pisces, 19 years old, attractive, and supposedly single;)
it was around 1:30 am and i continued to watch youtube when i got another notification.. and when i read the account name (Sapnap) i felt heat rush to my cheeks...

i clicked on the notification and read what he said, "yeah, when i showed it to my friends, they just laughed at me, but it's okay hah"
i laughed again at his response and questioned if i should reply right away or wait a bit..
in the end, i ended up responding with something sort of stupid, "lmao aww man.. oh and btw, after seeing u comment i watched quite a few of your videos and i love them:) i'll definitely be watching the dream team more often!"
i'm not gonna lie, i was nervous about even responding but.. why not?
i stared at my screen for a minute when i suddenly felt a headache coming, and that's when i decided that i needed sleep, so i just tried to forget about my thoughts and rest.

(next morning)

i woke up and did all my morning things like wash my face, brush my teeth, brush my hair, use the bathroom, etc.
once i finished, i was quick to get on my phone, and there it was. the thing i was thinking about all night; sApNaP:)
he responded back to my last comment and said "oh, so i have a sweet lil stalker?;) jk, i appreciate the support on youtube and i'll definitely tell dream and george that u love their videos as well. it may seem odd to ask, but if you would like to follow me on twitter, i would love to continue having conversations with you<3 have a nice day!"
my eyes widened and i felt as my entire face turned red and got filled with a sweet and genuine smile. i immediately went into twitter and followed him and the dream team, and continue to respond to his comment, "wow, i feel honored hahah:) my twitter is y/n_beep. i hope u have a nice day too<3" (LMAO i couldn't think of a username, sorry)
i set my phone down and sighed; i couldn't believe that a man i suddenly started simping for wanted to continue having conversations with me. ME!
after overthinking, once again, i knew it was time to move on with my day and start heading to work at my local coffee shop.

-time skip-

@ TwSapnap Started Following You

//heheh, okay i'm done with this chapter, i hope ur enjoying it so far:)//

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