Chapter 3: Work

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-y/n's pov-

he followed me:) i was glad he did, and seconds later he sent me a message:


hi stalker :)

hi haha, i guess that's gonna be my nickname from now on.. it's funny tho so i don't rlly mind

yeah that's probably the only name i'll call u, but do u mind me asking for ur real name? just out of curiosity

yeah ofc, my real name is y/n but i usually go by my nickname (n/n) i'll definitely consider "stalker" being a new one tho

that's a pretty cool name, i'm nick

i sorta knew that already lmao butttt it's rlly nice to have a conversation over twitter rather than some youtube comments

oh yeah haha, and fs, it's a lot easier

yeah, well i'll try to talk to u later, i have to get back to work.. byee

oh okay, bye:(

(i know that's not how the messages actually look but i'm too lazy to do it normally, sorry)

i happily sighed, put my phone back into my pocket, and started cleaning up the empty tables while waiting for another costumer to come in; today wasn't very busy, and i would gladly be texting nick if my boss wasn't here, so i had no other choice to just day dream different scenarios with him.

-time skip to after work-

i drove back home and cleaned up a bit, along with changing into some more comfortable clothes. once i finished, i immediately got onto my phone and started to message nick


hi, i'm done with work:)
how was ur day?

yay, and my day was good, hby? how was work?

it was a pretty boring day today but since i'm done with work, it's much better hah

aw u should've talked to me, i could've made it more fun

yeah, i rlly wanted to but my boss was there today and they don't like when we r on our phones :/ rip

aw that sucks
it's weird how DIFFERENT our lifestyles are lmao, u probably have a normal job and i mainly do a lot of youtube

hm, i never rlly thought about that.. ur right lol it's weird as hell

speaking of minecraft..
i'm about to stream with dream and george on twitch, u should come watch:)

oh okie, is the username just sapnap or is it different?

oh it's sapnaptw
tell me once u join so i can say hi haha

lmaoo okay, i will
btw, i'm now following u on twitch:)
(my username is the same on twitter)

-end of messages-

(dude i genuinely don't think anyone is gonna read this story but imma keep writing cuz i want to🤠)

(bro this is an edit a few weeks after i started writing this story, and boy was i wrong about that statement^^ okay, have a good day guys)

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