Chapter 11: Wedding Day

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the next day consisted of all the females that were attending the wedding just having a great time together, playing games, painting nails, etc..
it was fun and i got my hair fixed up and prepared so that on the day of the wedding (tomorrow) my hair would be relatively nice. i wanted to look presentable because i would be standing up front, sort of next to my sister, and i knew that lots of pictures would be taken. i was so excited and i knew for a fact i was gonna cry; i would normally be embarrassed about crying, but this time i actually had a normal reason for tears.

-time skip to wedding day-

i saw my sister in her dress with her makeup and hair done; she looked beautiful and almost started crying right then and there, but i held it back.

-time skip to ceremony-

i was standing up front with flowers (as her bridesmaid) and i watched as she finally walked up and tears instantly fled my eyes; i tried looking away for a second to stop the tears but i ended up making eye contact with clay as a tear dropped down my face and i was smiling at how pathetic i felt but also because i was proud. he was sneakily taking a picture of me, but i didn't mind because i was focused on my sister; when clay put his phone down after taking the picture, my sister was now standing near me facing the groom.

-time skip-

"i do"

they both had said the words and at this point my eyes were very red and my cheeks were a bit wet but i was happy.
once everyone had finished, we took pictures; i went to talk to clay as the photographers were telling people where to stand.

"did u actually take a picture of me?" i asked and laughed

"yeah i sent it to sapnap" he said smugly

"wait whAt" i asked

"yeah, he said u even look pretty when u cry.." he said and smirked

"wait what?" i asked again, "have u sent other pictures of me? he knows what i look like?"

"hey chill chill, but yes. he really likes u" he smiled

this calmed me down a bit but i was still scared and i was about to say something until the photographer told us to come into the picture.

once all the pictures were taken, me and dream walked around and looked at how pretty everything was; i would have went and talked to my sister but she was with her husband and they were both hugging each other.
when i turned to look at them, i cried again and he laughed at me.

"don't LaUgH at me, i'm having a moment" i said

he just kept laughing while getting his phone out

i continued crying and ranting about how my sister was all grown up until i noticed he was recording me

"stOoOop pLeaSeeEe" i said still sobbing

"okay okay sorry" he said and continued wheezing at me

time had went by and it was finally time for food; me and clay were very hungry so we walked into the dining area and waited until we could get our food. we talked about all sorts of things but i kept noticing clay looking at his phone.

"ya know it's a little rude to just start looking at ur phone while someone's talking to u" i said laughing

he looked up like a guilty dog, "heh sorry.. i'm talking to nick"

hearing his name made me blush a bit, "oh, okay"

"aww ur blushing" he laughed

"oh shush" i said and rolled my eyes

(lmao sorry if i suddenly switch from clay to dream or dream to clay, i just accidentally mix it up.. also this chapter is short but the next one will consist of everyone seeing each other so stay tuned <3)

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