Chapter Fifteen

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Jungkook felt disappointment and angery surging through his veins. He felt like a joke and a pushover because of Ji-ae. He could not understand why she was pushing him away when he was trying to put all the pieces together and stop her curse so that she could finally be free.

When Ji-ae stood up to leave the place, he caught her hand as she looked back to see him. He stood up as he looked at her and started pulling her outside of the cafe. He took her to an empty alley as he pinned her to the wall.

Ji-ae looked at him with wide eyes, it was her first time seeing Jungkook so furious and upset. His expression was enough to understand how much disappointed he was.

- Why don't you understand? Huh?

Jungkook yelled as Ji-ae gulped looking at him. Ji-ae looked calm from the outside but there was a storm building up inside her. Jungkook sighed trying to calm himself down as he took three deep breaths in and out.

- You and I, we both are meant for eachother. We have a fate which was written together. Whatever happens, I am not going to leave you until you find your peace, even if that costs me my end.

Jungkook's eyes were shining with determination and stubbornness as he let go of her hand from his grip as he stepped back realising he was way too close to her. Ji-ae sighed as she licked her lips and looked at Jungkook who was looking at her with a very serious expression on his face.

- You're overwhelmed with emotions right now. You're saying something you dont understand. You cannot just risk your life for someone whom you've met less than a month ago.

Ji-ae said as he groaned in frustration as put his head back in disbelief. Jungkook clenched his jaw as he looked at the woman in front of him who was acting up.

- Ji-ae, are you even listening to yourself? Us meeting in my past life and me approaching you out of nowhere in this life and both of us being like this screams that this is not just a "one month" attraction thing.

Jungkook exasperated as she was taking in all of his words.

- Also, you don't get to decide what I should do and what I should not do. I am going to help you, I am going to love you and if circumstances demands, then I am going to sacrifice myself too. You cannot stop me from doing any of it.

Jungkook declared, his eyes sparkling with so much intensity that she wanted to melt in those. Jungkook turned around as he walked out of the alley and sat down in his car driving to his gym.

After working out, he calmed his mind and arranged his thoughts. He got back home still thinking about the earlier incident with Ji-ae, he felt guilty that he acted so out of character with her. He didn't wanted to get angry at her, but her behaviour was infuriating him which resulted in him acting that way.

Jungkook thought of texting her and apologising but then he thought he should let her be for sometime because he wanted to give her some space after the earlier shenanigans.

He took a hot shower as he got out and changed his clothes into a grey track and black tshirt as he took his book from the bedside and started reading until sleep came to him.


There was a large tree in which there was a big hole as he walked in he saw her fighting with some group of men for the stone. He looked at the stone closely and recognised it as that stone which was always hanging on her neck.

He saw how the stone was broke into two parts and the light emerged. The men turning into rock and the light cursing the love of his life.

Jungkook woke up suddenly panting and sweating. He sighed calming himself down as he drank water gulping it all in one sip. He rubbed his temples as he thought about the dream.

- From the scene, it looks like it was the day when she was cursed. So, that's what happened when with the stone. But wait, who were those men? Were they some sort of protectors of the stone or were they there to steal it too?

He rubbed his face with his hands, mentally noting that he would talk about this with Ji-ae. He turned around to the wall to check the time as it was almost 2 AM. He got up feeling hungry as he went out to the kitchen but then stopped when he heard sounds of screams and things breaking.


Jungkook heard his mother yelling as he saw what was coming next. He was well aware of how these fights end as it was almost a daily routine of his parents.


His father replied with a stronger voice as he felt disgusted by his presence. He has been seeing the way their parents fought since he could remember. It was always for a stupid reason and their arguments would only become bigger until his father started seeing other women leaving his mother in a miserable marriage.

- How can you even do this when we have two kids at home? Jungkook will be the heir of the company in two years and Chaeyoung, at least think about her. She is only sixteen years old! Be a responsible father for once and look after your family!

Upon hearing his sisters name he looked up and saw his sister standing there holding in tears hands fisted and when their eyes met she turned around and left to her room as he followed her.

He came inside his room to find it dark and the sounds of sobbing could be heard. He sighed as he walked closer to the tiny figure sitting on the floor behind the bed, head on her knees and hands wrapped around her legs she was crying out.

He sat beside her and hugged her as she looked up to find the person whom she loves the most.

- Why is this happening with us oppa? Why are they fighting again? When will it end?

Chaeyoung looked up at her older brother as she broke down in more tears. Her lower lip quivering as Jungkook sighed and wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

- I promise to keep you safe and happy when I become the heir, Chae. I am sorry that you have to experience such atrocities.

Jungkook whispered as Chaeyoung was continuing to cry on her brother's shoulder. Jungkook knew that she won't stop crying as he thought of an idea.

- oh sweet little! How brave are you. These times are bad but the good times are yet to come. You are stronger than you think. What makes you strong and beautiful is your smile so smile now.

He started humming the song their mother used to sing them to bed. As the sobbing eventually stopped he looked down to see her asleep. He chuckled as he got up and made her sleep on the bed and tucked her in.

He left the room closing it behind he could still hear the yelling and smashing of the things. He closed his eyes for a moment and got out of the house driving to the place he felt peace in.


He ringed the bell and the door was opened by her. She was wearing a satin peach gown her hair was down making her look 10 times more pretty as he walked towards her and hugged her.

- I need comfort. Please be my comfort.


Hey lovelies!!

How are you?

What do you think?

Its literally 5 am here and I haven't slept yet. What's life and sleep again? 🤡🤡

To be honest with you all. I am getting zero motivation to write this book.

Thank you. I purple you 💜

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