Chapter Eighteen

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Ji-ae's eyes opened slowly, adjusting to the morning's brightness. She sighed as she stretched her arms and got out of the bed as she pushed the warm blanket off of her. Her feet touched the cold hard floor as she made her way to the bathroom to freshen up. After brushing her teeth and combing her dark brown messy hair, she put on an oversized off white turtleneck sweater and a santa claus pyjamas.

She walked down the stairs to see Jungkook and Sana in the kitchen cooking something as Mina was in the corner giving them side eyes. Ji-ae felt happy and grateful to see how three of the most important people in her life were getting along so well and they all were ready to sacrifice their self for the sake of her eternal peace.

- What are you guys doing?

Ji-ae asked as she peeked at the stove and for her horror, she found egg shells, flour and honey all over the platform of the kitchen. She gasped as she looked at the mess they created. Jungkook grinned as he looked at her.

- Oh about time you are here, I was just about to come and wake you up.

Jungkook spoke, his voice full of enthusiasm as you were still looking at them in a shocked manner.

- What did you all even make?

She asked her voice full of horror and disbelief as Sana chimed in.

- Oh! We thought of preparing breakfast for you.

Sana matched the level of enthusiasm Jungkook had as you cupped your hand around your mouth looking at Mina who was trying not to burst into laughter. You looked at the table only to find a bunch of pancakes and eggs as well as coffee on the table.

- You messed the whole kitchen to just make these?

She asked tilting her head and raising a brow and Jungkook nodded his head proudly as she sighed.

- I will make some soup for you.

Mina said laughing as she held her wrist shaking her head.

- No it's fine let's eat this since they worked so hard on this.

She said sarcastically as they all sat on the table listening to what Jungkook had to say about yesterday's weird dream or how he travelled to another realm.

- What do you want to say about the yesterday's incident?

Ji-ae asked as Jungkook took a sip from his coffee as he got up and took Ji-ae's laptop which he borrowed yesterday to do some research. Placing the screen in front of the three women Jungkook started showing some images of trees.

- When I first opened my eyes in that realm, I was in a forest. There were pine trees surrounding me when I startes hearing loud cries, then I started running until I suddenly stopped, I stopped in front of two large birch trees which stood at lease 10 feet away from eachother. Those were the only trees which stood like that, also do you know what the birch trees nature? 

Jungkook asked looking at the three ladies who were listening to him with utmost concentration. Upon hearing his question three of them shook their heads as Jungkook nodded.

- Whenever there is a disaster or a tragedy or any negative impact, birch trees are the first to grow.

Jungkook stated as they nodded their heads hearing the very new information.

- So does that mean, the birch trees is like a symbol that something tragic happened there?

Mina asked as Jungkook nodded his head. He showed a picture of birch trees as they looked at the large tree which was inside such a small screen.

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