Chapter Twenty

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Jungkook leaned in closer to Ji-ae as their lips were about to touch eachother. The vulnerability and the close proximity of Jungkook didn't help Ji-ae to think properly, plus the longing she had felt for him in the past month was acting like a cherry on cake as she did not stop him from initiating their first kiss.

But the moment of weakness was disturbed by a girl's voice.

- Oppa?

Both the individuals snapped their neck towards the door as they looked at the owner of the voice. She separated first as Jungkook cleared his throat. Ji-ae looked closely as she took in the appearance of the girl, she was a shorter than her with a wolfcut. She was wearing a black loose tshirt and black boxers, a laptop in her hand as she was standing there with a shocked yet amused look on her face.

- Who is this?

The girl asked pointing at Ji-ae as she was too flustered to say anything. Jungkook saw the visible awkwardness of both the girls in the room as he sighed and looked at Chaeyoung.

- What are you doing here?

He changed the topic as Chaeyoung did not miss the way he tried to distract her from the fact that there is an unknown woman in his arms. It was an unfamiliar sight for her brother to be seen with a girl especially so close.

- Mom told me to tell you to come eat at the family dinner this evening.

Chaeyoung told Jungkook with a confused expression as Jungkook felt his previous startled appearance turning into a cold one.

- I won't be eating the food with my fathers killers.

Jungkook spat out as Chaeyoung sighed exhausted because of the last month shenanigans. She could not even go to her school properly because of the threat to her life, there was constant pressure from whoever was threatening them to the Jeon family. Although, it was a very dangerous situation she could not help but feel like all of this was way too overboard.

- Ugh, just tell that to mom yourself. I am not going to act like a mediator from now on.

Chaeyoung hissed in annoyance as her gaze was then turned towards Ji-ae who was standing there with zero thoughts in her head. 

- Yah, who are you?

Ji-ae looked at Chaeyoung who asked her this question as she scoffed and folded her hands across her chest.

- You really think I will answer you with that tone of yours?

Ji-ae retorted as Chaeyoung rolled her eyes as she brushed her off.

-  whatever continue to suck eachothers faces I'll be going.

Ji-ae looked taken aback by her words as Chaeyoung left the room. Jungkook looked at Ji-ae's shocked look as he chuckled nervously while scratching his head.

- I know shes a little uh

He trailed off not knowing how to complete his sentence as Ji-ae showed him her hand.

- Shes cool

Ji-ae simply stated as she looked at him. He was standing there hands in his pocket as he came near her again.

- So when are you going to teach me to fight?

He asked excited as she looked at him and without any second thoughts she replied.

- From today. Sharp 8 PM.

She said firmly as he whined.

- What? Today? But we can start from tomorrow I mean we just met after a long month we can go for maybe a dinner or-

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