Chapter Twenty five.

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s soon as the words left Taehyung's mouth, Ji-ae almost collapsed. A wave of relief washed over her entirely as she felt like she could breath again. She had no idea that the thought of Jungkook being harmed would affect her this much but here she was. She thanked whoever was up there because Jungkook was now safe and sound.

As Ji-ae was getting up, her movement was wobbly as Hoseok suddenly held her hand and smiled at her kindly, but seeing the face which was reminded her of the stone was making her angry as she moved her hand away from his grip. A confused expression covered Hoseok's face as he was not sure if his action seemed inappropriate to her, but then he remembered how Jungkook used to say about her personality.

- C-can I meet him?

Ji-ae's voice was hoarse because of crying so much, she cleared her throat so that her voice should go back to normal but it was of no use. Upon hearing request, the doctor shook his head.

- I am sorry, but you can't. We will have to keep him under observation till tomorrow.

The doctor spoke as Taehyung came forward and asked him.

- Why? Is everything okay, doctor?

He asked as you felt the worries coming back to you.

- Ah, yes everything is fine. The cut was quite deep and almost reached his liver. His organs are not damaged, we just have to check if there will be mo internal bleeding or any infections till tomorrow. The anesthesia will mostly wear off in the morning so he will be awake by them.

The doctor explained thoroughly as Jimin shook his hand.

- Thank you so much Doctor Kim. We owe you this.

- Thank you so much for saving my brother.

Chaeyoung said through tears. As the doctor nodded smiling at her.

- I think you both should go and freshen up. You both were really worried we will take care of him.

Jimin turned around and looked at both Ji-ae and Chaeyoung. He was right, Chaeyoung was still in her school uniform and Ji-ae was wearing the same clothes which were covered in Jungkook's blood.


Ji-ae decided to drop Chaeyoung at her place as her mother was busy with the police and court works regarding his uncle's shenanigans.  As both the ladies were exhausted to death, none of them spoke to eachother the whole ride. Ji-ae stopped her car as Chaeyoung looked up and saw that they reached their destination. She unbuckled her seatbelt and was about to walk out when she turned and saw Ji-ae.

- Uh, thanks.

She spoke as Ji-ae simply nodded. Chaeyoung sighed as she turned her whole body to look at Ji-ae. 

- I did not believe you when I first saw you. I honestly thought you were just another one of those girls who claimed to love my brother for his money and fame.

Ji-ae resisted the urge to roll her eyes at her statement when she continued. 

- But after seeing your state and how you did not leave his side for even a minute today, I feel like I was wrong. You really do love him a lot.

Chaeyoung smiled showing her dimples as Ji-ae looked at her with a taken aback expression. Chaeyoung bowed a little as she thanked her again and left the car, Ji-ae started her car and drove back to her house as her words were still ringing in her ears.

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