002 | Coffee And Croissants

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               [ 002 | coffee And Croissants ]

I open my eyes to see light creeping through the gaps in the curtains. villanelle didn't listen to Konstantin and I was left to sleep on the floor with a blanket and a flat pillow. I could already feel my back aching and I hadn't even gotten up yet.

I can't hear any movent so I assume Villanelle is still asleep. I playback the events of yesterday, not being able to think about anything but her was already driving me crazy and it hadn't even been twenty-four hours yet.

I groaned rolling over onto my side, closing my eyes hoping to catch a last few minutes of sleep.

"WAKE UP SLEEPY HEAD," I once again open my eyes to Villanelle shouting as she walking down the hallway. "Come on, it already 9 am get up," She is already dressed and is holding arms full of shopping bags all of which with designer name tags.

I groan again. lifting my arm just high enough so she could see which finger I was holding up. "now there's no need to be rude, I even brought you coffee and a croissant" she smiles.

I reluctantly stand up, resting a hand on my sore back. "merci," I say taking the coffee and pastry from her hand and wandering into the bathroom where I take a shower and get ready for the long day ahead.

*time skip*

We arrive at the train station with no time to spare and we run around trying to find our seats like little children. "here," I call stepping onto the train carriage, Villanelle following behind.

we find An empty carriage and take seats with the aisle in between us. we take up multiple seats lying across all of them, the soft cushioning feeling like heaven compared to the oak floorboards that I had slept on the night before. I take my notebook out of my pocket and begin reading the notes I made on the so to be victim.

"67 years old, Italian rich dude,-"

"can you not, its annoying," She calls from across the aisle.

"fine but you have to find some other way to entertain me then," I sit up and face her. taking the time to look at her face. her hair was down, the front pieces framing her face. she had the deep green eyes that you had to be careful not to look at too long or they would pull you in so close you could never get out again. she wore a subtle pink shade of lipstick, that complemented her olive skin.

"Why am I here?" she asks snapping me out of my trance

"what?" I tilt my head confused.

"Why did Konstantin say you need a partner, what did you do," she sounded genuinely intrigued, something I definitely wasn't expecting

"I got a little carried away, accidentally killed the last guy's guardsmen," I say fiddling with my bracelets looking down at my hands feeling slightly embarrassed at my having fun and not being professional take on the murders.

"And then when I got into his room he had this axe leaning up against the wall, and suddenly the gun in my pocket just seemed so cliché and boring," I finally muster the courage to look up at Villanelle, who is smiling, eyebrows raised.

"That's impressive," she says and I let out a little laugh.

"it pissed of Konstantin though, so now I'm stuck with you,"

"Ouch!" she says sarcastically, placing a hand on her heart.

"Konstantin said you often had partners?" I ask

"Yes, but none of them makes it out alive, I like working solo, doing things my way, she shrugs.

"that's fine, just don't try and kill me,"

"Why?" she asks in that godly Russian accent.

"Because I will be the one walking out alive," I keep eye contact with her, completely faking the confidence I love to tease with. she looks my up and down, smiles to herself and turns to face the window.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, and dig around in my bag for my headphones. I try my best to untangle the string, failing miserably. I throw them on the seat next to me holding up my middle finger before kicking the seat in front of me.

"Here," Villanelle took out a pair of earphones from her bag, tapping the seat next to her. she gives me a headphone, and for half a second our hands are touching. her hands are smooth and warm they were comforting.

she plays some mediocre music, but in the end, I find myself far more focused on the fact that her knee is toughing mine, these little seats are far too small for any normal-sized human. I twirl my hair around my finger, nervous. I never get nervous, and I have to say, I get why people hate it.

"look!" Villanelle shouts causing me to jump.

"what," I say out of breath from the shock. she leans back letting me see out of the window, a beautiful Italian village, grapes, and vines growing up all the houses, it was like a little snow globe, with flowers instead of snow. "Oh sorry" I mumble reaching down to pick up her phone that must have slid off the seat when she scared the shit out of me.

I grab the phone and pass it back to her, our fingers once again dancing together. giving me butterflies.


The next chapter will be more exciting for the love story and murder I promiseee hehe.

i can't wait till the season 3 finalie later today !!!!!!

Word count - 948 words

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