003 | The First Kill

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                          [003 | The First Kill]

We have finally arrived in Naples, after what felt like a lifetime

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We have finally arrived in Naples, after what felt like a lifetime. As we stepped off the train a cool breeze pushed past me. "where are we sleeping tonight," Villanelle asked, hugging her jacket around her with one arm, holding her bag in the other.

"It doesn't say,"

"trust the twelve to leave us sleepless on a job," she says and we both laugh. "Look," she says nodding her head to the entrance of the train station. two bikes were leaned up against the wall, a small red bow hanging over each.

"come on," I jog over to the bikes, struggling with my luggage.

"I want the green one," she calls and I ignore her, only jumping on the green one because she said she wanted it. I look up at her as she drops her bag, looking right at me. "let me have the bike," when I don't answer she smiles. her hand reaches round to her belt and I do the same. in unison we both pull out guns, pointing them at each other. we are both silent, the stars hanging above us, our only audience.

"come on then shoot," I taunt knowing she won't. when she doesn't move I raise an eyebrow, challenging her.

"Aurora move,"

"no," she moves the gun, pointing it at the ground, and she shoots. The noise continues to ring in my ears for seconds after. I feel myself sink down and finally, it hit me. "you shot my tyre," I shout, partly because I'm angry and partly because the gunshot is still ringing in my ear.

"Oops," she says as sarcastically as she can muster. she picks up her bag, swinging it around her shoulder, then she jumps onto her bike slides her foot onto the pedal and begins to ride, leaving me all alone.

I huff, stomping my foot on the floor like a child. I looked up the clouds dancing around in the sky. They look so peaceful, calm. god, what was this girl doing to me, I'm not weak. Hell, I Don't even like the girl, she is a pain.

I slump down on a bench, fine if she wants to do the kill what do I care, I have to get the train from here tomorrow anyway so I may as well just sit here and wait.

I feel like I've been sitting here forever, in reality, ita only been an hour. I half expected her to have changed her mind and to have come back for me by now. I'm still not surprised she hasn't, just disappointed.

I close my eyes, I may as well catch up on some sleep, it's not like I can bike anywhere.

I quietly hum to myself trying to drown out my thoughts.

"boo," come one.

My eyes jolt open as soon as I hear that voice, but I am greeted with darkness.

"Villanelle," I call, possibly not loud enough to hear.

"aw, did I not scare you," she steps out from behind a pole and pouts. "A stranger says boo snd you don't even reach for your gun," she almost sounded disappointed.

"well, you're not a stranger, we are in Italy, there aren't many people walking around with a Russian accent," she looks surprised like she forgot that not everyone sounds Russian.

"Come on, the sun is beginning to rise, and it will take twice as long now that I have to pedal twice the weight,"

"don't act like it's my fault,"

"you should have let me ride the bike,"

"you shouldn't be near guns,"

"stop acting like a child, now hop on" she climbs onto the bike.

"says you" I retort picking up my bag and making sure my gun is safely in my pocket. "where am I supposed to sit,"

"here," she tapped two poles sticking out of the back wheel of the bike. I raise m eyebrows but don't argue.

I carefully step onto the bike, making sure to keep my weight centered, and then she pedals.

*time skip*

we finally arrive at the house of the soon to be victim. "finally," Villanelle huffs dumping the floor on the ground.

we slowly make our way closer to the house, still, a couple of fields to walk through.

"here," I pull a couple of stale crackers from my pocket, passing one to her.

"Thanks," she takes a bit and tosses the rest, I do the same. even after 24 hours of not eating, I'm not desperate enough a bland piece of biscuit that will only make me feel thirsty. she turns to me as we walk, tugging at the arms of her blue blouse. "You're pretty you know," she states, smiling.

"your not half bad yourself," I try not to think about the meaning behind those words, instead I focus on the job.

"Are they having a party?" she asks and as I step on my tippy toes I see the crowds of people.

"I think so,"

"ciao," A man calls, waving

"ciao," we say in unison.

"definitely a party," I whisper to Villanelle.

we walk inside and spot the target almost immediately. "you go upstairs and I can meet you," I give her a little shove in the direction of the stairs and she unwillingly agrees.

"Salve signore," hello sir. I say taking a sip of champagne. he turns to me and I let the cool liquid glide down my throat. before he has time to respond I lean in so my mouth is by his ear. "c'è una sorpresa per te al piano di sopra," there is a suprise for you upstairs.

I casually walk upstairs, making sure to sway my hips as I go.

I find my way to the master room, Villanelle is already sat on a big chair in the corner of the room. "that was quick, are you sure he's coming,"

"when I walking over to him, he smelt of cheap women's perfume, he is rich just look at his house. rich men buy their wives expensive presents, not crappy ones, so it's obviously not his wives, and you have to be pretty close to someone to smell like them,"

"clever," she looks surprised.

"I know, I am clever," I reply.

we fall silent as the door opens. "signor Esposito," mr esposito . I walk over to him, taking his hand and walking him out of the way of the window. before he can say a thing I throw a punch at him, just for the fun of it.

"my turn" Villanelle shouts walking over to me.

"no, I want to kill him," I whine, standing my ground.


"no," I throw another punch right at his face, just enough to keep him on the floor.

she turns to me and uses her pinkie finger to tuck a loose strand of hair behind my ear. Her jade-colored eyes softening. she leans her forehead against mine, and I forget that anything else except for us exists. "you really are beautiful," she whispers.

a slipt second later she moves away pulling a pin from her and stabbing it into signor Espostio's neck, he flopped around like a fish before laying completely still. I check his nonexistent pulse before clenching my fists, annoyed at the fact I let her get the better of me, I let her distract me.


Long long chapter today !! don't forget to be an active reader :)

Word count - 1246 words

Lizzy xoxo

STONE COLD // killing eve // villanelleWhere stories live. Discover now