"We have to leave the forest," Hazelstar repeated, sighing. Shocked gasps and yowls came from the gathering cats.
"What?" Honeysong, a golden she-cat yowled in disbelief.
"You're joking!" Darkstreak yowled.
"No way!" Heatherpounce lashed her light brown tail.
"We can't just leave!" The brilliant green eyes of Leafheart blazed with anger.
"Why?" Bramblepath spat.
"Because," Hazelstar meowed quietly, "Mintcloud has recieved a message from StarClan. He went to the Moonpool last night. The other medicine cats have all received the same message."
"What was the message?" Streamrunner yowled. His dark grey fur bristled.
Mintcloud, the long-furred light grey tom hopped up next to Hazelstar and dipped his head.
"As you all know, it has been snowing heavily, non-stop. This isn't just an extra-long leaf-bare. No. This is the end of the clans!"
Horrified screeches rang from the cats. Emberpaw pressed close to Bluepaw. Bluepaw could feel her cold body tremble. Snowflakes dotted her ginger fur.
"But," Mintcloud went on, "StarClan has given us a way out. It will be dangerous. But we are BrightClan cats! We are strong! We will make it!" Agreeing caterwauls proved that most of BrightClan agreed with this.
"Where are we going?" A grey and white tom named Frostshadow asked.
"Beyond the mountains." The Mintcloud replied, his light green gaze raking over the crowd of cats.
"But that's far!" Rainleap commented loudly.
"We'll get to visit the Tribe of Rushing Water!" Fernpaw's green eyes shone. Her brother, Nightpaw, agreed with a nod.
"Yes, it is." Hazelstar stepped in. "But like Mintcloud said; BrightClan is strong and powerful! We can take the mountains!"
"Maybe, but not in the middle of leaf-bare!" Emberpaw hissed into Bluepaw's ear. "It'll be worse than here!"
"There will be new territories and better prey, according to StarClan. Our future is bright!" The brown she-cat yowled, trying to convince the cats with doubtful looks in their eyes. "Who's with me?"
Yowls erupted from the clearing. Emberpaw, Mistypaw and Ivypaw joined in, so Bluepw did too. She was going on an adventure! And new territories seemed exciting.
"Hazelstar!" Berrypelt, an elder, called. "What about us?" He flicked his tail at Whitepool and Speckledfur, the other elders. "We cannot make the journey!"
"Yes, you can. We will help you!"
"I will not go." A white she-cat with a grey muzzle stepped forward. "I was born in this camp and I will die in this camp!" Whitepool's blue eyes gleamed stubbornly.
"As will I!" Speckledpelt added. "I am too weak." The old tortoiseshell gazed up at Hazelstar.
"But we cannot leave anyone behind!" She argued. Bur the three elders didn't budge. "I know you will change your mind!" The leader hissed hopefully. "We leave tomorrow at sundown with the other clans. You will have until then to decide between making the journey and being buried in snow." With a wave of her tail, Hazelstar stalked off into her den. "Meeting dismissed.""Are you going on the journey?" Bluepaw asked Emberpaw, her tail quivering excitedly.
"Of course I am!" Emberpaw's green eyes shone.
"So am I!" Mistypaw added, while Ivypaw nodded eagerly.
But Bluepaw could feel the tenseness in the air. Hazelstar had sprung a huge surprise on BrightClan, and not everyone was very enthusiastic about the idea of traveling through the mountains.
"Come on, Bluepaw!" Dawnleap called. "I'm taking you to see the BrightClan territory!"
Heart thumping, Bluepaw followed the cream she-cat out of the thorn barrier.
She flattened her ears against the strong icy wind and swirling snowflakes and pushed through the thick snow.
"This is the lake, where we get fish when prey is scarce." Dawnleap meowed, her voice muffled by the chilly wind. Bluepaw looked up to see the familiar lake on which Mistypaw had had her first adventure as a kit.
"Only, of course, there'll be no fish this leaf-bare!" Her mentor chuckled, flicking her tail at the glistening ice.
Bluepaw purred, her blue eyes gazing over the familiar snow-covered trees and bushes. The wind howled in her ears, almost deafening her. I may have only been alive for six moons, but this wind can't be normal! She thought. But she kept her mouth shut. Dawnleap seems to know what she's doing.
"Um, I think we won't be able to do any more touring today." The she-cat shot Bluepaw an apologetic look and turned tail. Disappointed, Bluepaw followed. At least I won't freeze my tail off! She thought miserably. Just as the two cats padded back into BrightClan camp, she noticed Hazelstar was speaking to the clan again. What is it this time?
"...I am sorry to inform you of this," the brown she-cat was saying. Dawnleap and Bluepaw hurried in to hear her.
"But the winds have gotten stronger and the snowfall has gotten more rapid. We must leave the forest now!"
"What?" Berrypelt pushed through the crowd shooting the old leader an angry look. His grey pelt was almost up to his belly on the snow.
"I'm sorry. But I know you elders will make it!" Hazelstar stared down at him. "We will help you! And I am not changing my mind. We will die if we stay here!"
BrightClan yowled agreements.
"Think of it as an adventure and a fresh start! Now, Tawnyflower is going to gather a patrol to visit StormClan, WaveClan and ShadeClan to inform them of my decision."
"We're staying here!" Whitepool hissed. Speckledfur's claws slid out.
"No! You can't!" Tawnyflower shot back. But Hazelstar silenced the deputy tortoiseshell with a flick of her tail.
"Tawnyflower, no. Berrypelt, Whitepool and Speckledfur can make their own choices." The brown leader spat, her amber eyes cold as she glared at the three elders. "You can choose between starving and coming with us."
"But Hazelstar!" Russetfang yowled. "We can't abandon our elders!"
"What can I do?" Hazelstar replied. "I cannot force them to come."
Tears formed in Speckledfur's eyes. "We have survived for countless years in this forest! Countless leaf-bares! Why should this be any different?"
"Because StarClan has sent us a sign. This leaf-bare will destroy us all!" Hazelstar nodded at Tawnyflower. The deputy dipped her head and signalled Sunwhisker, Morningdew and Thornpelt to follow her.
Stunned, the clan watched the four cats disappear through the thorn barrier.
"And what if the other clans refuse to go?" Whitepool hissed. "What then?"
"We will go on our own. StormClan, WaveClan and ShadeClan can choose between dying or coming with us. You have the same choice." Hazelstar answered.
The elders stayed silent.
"Is there anyone else who wants to stay here and starve with the elders?"
No one moved a muscle.
"Whitepool. Berrypelt. Speckledfur. I beg you to come with us! You will starve here!"
"No. I'd rather die than wave this place." Berrypelt meowed quietly, but loud enough so that everyone could hear him. Whitepool and Speckledfur nodded.
Hazelstar sighed sadly. "Then it is decided." She paused, as if waiting the elders to change their minds. They didn't. "We will leave when Tawnyflower's patrol returns." And with that, she turned and ended the gathering.
Bluepaw was horrified that she was leaving the elders here to starve, but at the same time she was excited. She was going on a journey! It would be dangerous, but except the elders, the whole if BrightClan would be with them! And possibly the three other clans too. It would be a very large group.
What could happen?
FanfictionBrightClan is driven out of the forest along with StormClan, WaveClan and ShadeClan in the middle of leaf-bare. Now they have to make a long hard journey through the mountains to reach the new home StarClan has instructed them to go to. But dangerou...