⋙ Chapter Nine

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A curious feeling no one can explain
And I just don't know if I'll risk it again
When the future is so unsure
Unclear ~ Kodaline


A few days after our outing to Preston Park, Troye and I sat at the back of the chemistry classroom. We spent half the lessons listening to Mr Green's rambles, the other half speaking in soft tones to one another. We spoke about anything and everything.

I was enjoying chemistry a lot more that year. In the end of topic test taken a week beforehand, I got a good mark despite the fact I'd done no revision because I'd given up on the subject. Mr Green seemed befuddled by my sudden improvement. I'm not saying the cute Aussie next to me was anything to do with my changed attitude, but it definitely didn't hurt.

Mr Green was no longer so hostile towards me. I knew it was mainly because I was friendly with Troye now, and Troye was in his good books. Having said that, he still called me Oakley instead of Mr Oakley, but I was working on it. From time to time, whenever Troye and I spoke too loudly, or if I started to cackle, he would give me a warning look, willing me not to corrupt one of his favourite student.

If either of us were being corrupted by the other, it was me. Out of the two of us, I was the one who'd changed the most. I wasn't sure if the changes were for the better, but I knew I was changed for good.

Mr Green clapped his hands together, directing everyone's attention to the front. Troye and I had been talking aimlessly for the last 10 minutes, and had no idea what was going on. "So, who knows what electrodes should be made out of?" The class went from a low hubbub of noise to an eerie silence. No one raised their hand. Evidently no one knew the answer, but Mr Green took it as shyness. "No one wants to answer? Well I guess I better pick on someone. Who hasn't answered a question today..."

I began to regret speaking to Troye as I didn't know what 'this' was, and Mr Green was scruntinising us. His eyes flicked between Troye and I, until his mind was finally made up.

"Mr Mellet, you haven't spoken today. What do you think?"

I felt like letting out a sigh of relief. That was before I realised how nervous Troye was. He was shaking slightly, looking around the room for an answer. He was just as clueless as me. Unlike me, he had to find an answer swiftly.

"Uh... Can you repeat the question, please?"

"I'm sure I can Troye-"

"Please may you repeat the question?"

"In electrolysis, what substance would we use for the electrodes?" He spoke deliberately slowly, desperate for Troye to understand.

Troye looked down at his notes, searching for the answer to no avail. I stared at the board, trying to figure out the answer. Even when I worked it out, Troye was stumped.

Mr Green was not impressed by the lack of response. His right eye twitched, and he glared at me. He thought I was ruining his student by distracting him too much. I could tell he was about to separate us.

I wrote down the answer on my paper, and edged it closer to Troye. I peeked up, to see if Mr Green was aware of what I was doing. Fortunately he wasn't. His eyes were flicking between Troye and the board. Then I glanced at Troye, to see if he'd noticed. For someone with big eyes, he didn't see much. I pushed more of it, until it lay over his books. Finally he caught the movement. He glanced down at the paper.

Mr Green sighed in frustration. "If you'd been paying attention-"

"Wouldn't it have to be an unreactive, electrically conductive substance?"

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