Broken Bottles

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The moon hung high, shining down on the little town. The sky was clear. Stars as far as the eye could see. The two girls walked arm and arm from the car to the large white house before them. The music blaring from inside and out. People scattered all over, their chitter chatter buzzing through the air. The girls smiled at one another excitedly. This was the first party of the summer. Although neither one of them was much of the party animal, it did get them out of the house and away from reality for a little bit. 

Cars lined both sides of the winding dirt driveway. There was a large bonfire behind the house that illuminated the trees around the yard. The sound of peepers in the distant woods. 

"Jason said he would be here." 

"Come on, Tay. You know he's been seen around town with what's her face." 

"Yeah, but he sure does know how to use those hands of his." Taylor winked. She knew Jason was no good for her, but she was tired of being miss goody two shoes. She wanted a little adventure in her life. And Jason sure was just that. 

"Ewww." Taylor's friend scrunched her nose in disapproval, swatting at her. 

The girls giggled and made their way in to the house. It wasn't as packed as the amount of cars made it seem. Their mutual friend Matt sure knew how to throw a party. He always held the first party of the summer at his farm house he bought from his grandfather in the little Georgia town. They smiled and waved at familiar faces as they made their way in to the kitchen. A drink was first up on the agenda. Taylor grabbed the closest beer to her, not caring what kind it was. 

"Beer, Hails?" She inquired, looking at Hailey, who was searching the room. 

"Hmm?" Hailey turned to her friend, unaware of what she had just said. 

"Do you want a beer? " Taylor replied, annoyed that she had to repeat herself.

"Sure, thanks." Hailey grabbed the cold bottle from her friend and opened it with the bottle opener attached to her car keys. She took a long swig and ran her free hand through her shoulder length chocolate brown hair. Taylor did the same as she scanned the room. She looked out by the back deck, noticing a few of their friends gathered around. She nodded her head in that direction, Hailey following closely behind her. They made their way through the sliding glass door that was already open. 

"Look who it is!" Their friend Matt yelled out, holding both arms open, grasping the two girls in a tight squeeze at the same time. 

"We wouldn't miss this." Taylor laughed, flipping her dirty blondish hair over her shoulder. Although she had a thing for Jason, there was always a piece of her that wished Matt would turn out to be the one. He was a fourth generation farmer, purchasing the house and land from his grandfather. His own father owned the conjoining land to the right. He was a sweet guy. Always done wrong by whatever female decided to take advantage of him. He gave them the benefit of the doubt, although he always knew he could do better himself. 

"Hey, Matty." Hailey grinned. She knew Matt would be the best thing for Taylor. She would make it happen one day. 

"There's a bonfire back there and tons of booze. The pool is open too if you want. No bathing suits required." He winked. Hailey and Taylor both blushed, brushing off that statement. 

"I think we are going to walk around and mingle. Thanks, Matt." Taylor grabbed Hailey's right hand, guiding her down the steps of the wrap around porch. They stopped on the gravel, looking out in to the field. 

Hailey looked up at the open sky, dark with wonder. It sure was beautiful in this little town. Taylor gazed at some of the other party goers, noticing a smile in the group out back that never got old for her. 

"I'm going over to see Jason." She smirked, walking backwards.

"Be careful, Tay." Hailey warned, giving her friend the all knowing look. Taylor blew her a kiss and headed toward Jason. Hailey stood there for a little longer before wandering around the property. She said hello to a couple more people she knew from town. Denny, who's family owned the ice cream shop on main street. His girlfriend Sarah, who was as sweet as the apple pie her mama made on sundays. And Lucas, the son of the only mechanic in town. She stayed there talking with them for a few minutes, when there was a commotion coming from over by the bonfire. Hailey popped her head up, looking in the direction that Taylor had gone. There were two people pushing one another, fighting. Punches were thrown and beer bottles were shattered. Hailey ran over to Taylor, concern written all over her face.

"What happened?" She asked, pushing Taylor back from Jason and another local guy, who were pushing each other. 

"He was just trying to talk to me and Jason lost it." Taylor started crying. Matt came running from the porch. He pushed the two guys apart, growling at them to leave. 

"Are you okay?" Matt questioned Taylor, reaching his arm out.

"Fine." Taylor wiped the tears from her eyes. Not even an hour and Jason already had her crying. 

"Why don't you go get another drink and I'll help Matt clean up the glass here." Hailey motioned for Taylor to go calm down. She bent down, helping to pick up the shattered beer bottle pieces. She had a hand full and went to grab more, when she felt a sharp pain thrash against her left hand. 

"Ouch." Hailey dropped everything in her hand and looked down. Blood was gushing from her left hand. She panicked for a moment. She was good with most things. Blood was not one of them. The pain was increasing as she walked toward the house, looking for Taylor. She found her in the large open kitchen. 

"What in the world happened to you?" Taylor asked, grabbing Hailey's arm. 

"The broken bottles." 

"Here, let's get you over to the bathroom and see what we can do to clean this up." Taylor ushered her toward the other side of the house. As she was guiding Hailey, Taylor caught the glimpse of a pair of sparkling green eyes looking over at her. She nodded her head for them to follow. Taylor got Hailey to the bathroom. Hailey stood there looking in horror. She could faintly hear a voice coming toward them, excusing themself and saying hi to those they knew on the way. 

The pair of green eyes met them at the doorway, searching their faces as to what was going on. 

"What happened, Hails?" His low raspy voice asked, picking her up and placing her on the marble counter top. He reached down and uncurled her left hand. He looked back up to see the pain on Hailey's olive skintoned face. 

She was relieved at his presence. "I was trying to be the kind person I am and help clean up Jason's mess." 

He looked over at Taylor. She shrugged as if to say she couldn't help herself. He searched the cabinets and found some gauze and medical tape in a first aid kit. He ran her hand under some lukewarm water, pressing his body close to hers. The smell of cedar and leather intoxicating. He placed the bandage on her cuts and wrapped some tape to hold it. He bent his head down and placed a kiss on top of the bandage. 

"All better." He looked at Hailey. 

"Thanks, B." 

A/N: Hey there! I hope you enjoyed this first chapter! I have written two other stories about this guy, Shotgun Pretty and Tennessee Whiskey! Take a look when you have the chance! Please vote, like, leave comments (kind only). Looking forward to writing more soon!

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