The Thunder Rolls

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The thunder was rolling pretty good outside, shaking the window of the guest room every so often. It was dark, no light coming in from anywhere. Hailey laid there on the big cushy queen size bed under the buffalo check sheets. She tossed one way and then the next, unable to fall asleep. Storms were not her favorite. A crack of thunder and now lightning shortly following, made her nearly jump out of her own skin. She turned the sheet over, stepping her feet on to the wood floor, hearing it creak beneath her. She tiptoed to the door, opening it slowly. She headed down the hallway out to the living room. As she reached the end of the hallway she could see a small light illuminating the room. She peered around the corner. The floor creaking again as she stepped. A head shot up, looking in her direction. Hailey locked her blue eyes with his. He cleared his throat and went back to looking down at whatever was on his phone. Hailey debated on turning back to crawl in to bed with Taylor. Or even Kolby. But she didn't want to fuel any fire with that one. And she didn't want to tempt the poor guy either. As good as his tongue mingling with hers felt. 

Hailey grumbled to herself and decided she would join him in the living room. She walked passed him on the couch and plopped herself down on the one across from him. He didn't look up from what he was doing. She sat there fiddling with her hands quietly. The silence was almost deafening. The thunder cracked again, sending her off her seat. Her hand flew to her chest, willing her heart to stop pounding. 

"Still don't like thunder do you?" Brantley asked softly, looking up at her. 

"No." Hailey replied, her small voice almost inaudible. The lightning lighting up the room like it was the middle of the day. A few minutes went by when there was another clap of thunder, making her screech. Brantley sat there contemplating before he set his phone on the small coffee table beside him. He stood up, his black sweats hanging low on his hips. The white plain t-shirt he was wearing tight around his muscles as he moved. He went over, picking Hailey's legs up. He sat down, placing her legs over his. His large rough hands resting on her calves. Hailey looked at Brantley, not knowing what to say. 

He spoke up first. "What is really going on with you and Kolby?"  He turned his head to the left to look at her, almost afraid to know the answer. 

"Nothing, B. Nothing is going on." 

"So you guys make out for the hell of it?" Brantley asked, cocking an eyebrow.

Hailey sighed in frustration, "B, I don't know what's going on. Honestly, I am so confused about everything." she laughed nervously, throwing her hands up. 

Brantley ran his hands through his beard, nodding. "Yeah, I'm a little messed up too." 

Hailey fumbled around with the hem of her black shorts. She wanted to say that he was a little bit more than messed up. But she was taking baby steps here. It was the only way besides making him angry that she would be able to get anything out of him. 

"Where's Amber?" 

Brantley stopped stroking his beard and stared at her. "With her family. Her brother is supposed to head back out of town tomorrow." 

"Her brother." Hailey snorted, rolling her eyes. 

"Hailey, I am not starting this again. Jesus. I am so tired of the shit I have been getting." Brantley put his hands up in frustration. 

Hailey began to get up, shaking her head. "Well, when you come to your senses, you better hope that I am still here for you. That girl has got you so wrapped around her tiny little finger that you can't even see it. It's sick, actually." Her cheeks were turning a nice shade of crimson with how angry she was becoming. 

Brantley swallowed hard at her words. He watched as she stood up, her body firm in it's stance. She went to walk away, when he reached out for her, grasping her arm. He pulled her tiny frame down on to his lap, his face a few inches from hers. Hailey could see in to his beautifully clear green eyes from her position. The tension palpable. 


But before she could finish her sentence, his plush pink lips were on hers. 

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